He was diagnosed with diabetes for 20 years and doctors abroad discover that what he had was a metabolic problem.

The thinness shown by the renowned Colombian chef Hernando Moreno, a situation that arouses interest in those who want to lose weight is evident.The press.

Moreno shared that everything arose when he met a lady who was very thin and when asked the reason, she told her that she had gone to Colombia to do an operation for diabetes."I until that moment had very serious problems with diabetes, I applied 100 insulin units every day and the problem was no longer diabetes, but the collateras effects of insulin, plus some pills that had a tenacious component," Moreno said.

The before and after chef Hernando Moreno, after an operation for diabetes:

This is how Moreno also decided to go to Colombia and treat his illness.Both the chef's father and grandmother died of diabetes and he was diagnosed for 20 years.

When the doctor in Colombia asked Moreno to take some exams, to the chef's surprise, the doctor told him that he was not diabetic and that what he had was a metabolic problem that had to be corrected.

Moreno spent 8 to 10 thousand lempiras a month in medicines and now says that all that money is saved.In turn, he regretted that some doctors are irresponsible in issuing diagnoses, without being sure of what the person is actually.


Initially to be operated, Moreno was taken away from medications that had been formulated before.He was operated in Colombia four months ago, he remembers that it was a Saturday and that Sunday had been discharged and walked, as if nothing had happened.

"The operation consisted of a correction in the small intestine, where food no longer have the opportunity to segregate a lot of things, so digestion is faster, accompanied by a diet and exercise, in conclusion, it was an operation for diabetes", said.

The chef says that now he has no problems with insulin and the best thing that can happen to him, is to eat a palette or ice cream that could do it before.

Moreno has lowered 10 sizes, having a size 46 that forced him to send his pants and uniforms, now he has size 36. "I am happy because everything is improved, I have the possibility of doing many things, I get less fatigo, I can walkMore, doing many things and people notice, "he added.

Moreno recommends that the population do not meet with the first diagnosis that a doctor tells them, but seek a second opinion."We must ensure health, realize that there is life and there are people behind us, children, grandchildren and the press, that all expect great things from us, so health should be taken care of," he concluded.Watch the video.

Source: The press