Three out of four women have at least one vaginal infection throughout their lives;However, it is more frequent in those who have diabetes, which obeys the disease decreases the immune system and weakens the body, which reduces defenses against infections caused by fungi, viruses and bacteria.

The most frequent is the candidiasis caused by the fungus called Candida Albicans, an organism that lives in the body freely and does not cause problems but the immune system weakens, the pH (level of acides) changes vaginal or increases the number of organisms areIt generates an infection."Yes, a woman is overweight or diabetes is more risk of vaginal infections," said Paulina Millán, research director of the Mexican Institute of Sexology, A.C.(Imasex).

This situation can occur in any woman, but increases the possibility in those who have diabetes because the immune system weakens and leaves the body susceptible to contracting various infections.In addition, when glucose levels are high, vaginal flow has a greater concentration of sugar, which causes the fungus to grow.

However, there are different factors that can predispose a vaginal infection caused by fungi, including pregnancy, where the immune system, use of antibiotics, tight clothing or synthetic fibers is also weakened, being a long time with the swimsuit orgym clothes.Stress, hormonal or food changes are also fundamental factors.

“Having a vaginal infection has been considered a taboo, but suffering it does not mean lack of hygiene.75 percent of women will suffer at least one episode of this type during their life, no matter age or if they have started their sexual life, ”said the specialist.

For his part, Víctor Hugo Mundo Cuervo, medical manager of Bayer Consumer Health mentioned that among the most common symptoms that cause these infections is the white and thick vaginal flow, itching and inflammation in genitals, burning when urinating and during sexual relationship.

Symptoms tend to increase as the days go by and it is not.Women with diabetes should regulate their sugar levels, follow a diet and exercise, or above all wear cotton underwear.There are free sale antimicotics, but it is best to visit the specialist and have a medical treatment.