Just on the day in Spain we have known the data of unemployment, a recent study has come to us that ensures that those workers who feel as if they were going to lose their job, that is, work insecurity, they also seem to have a greater risk of developing diabetesType 2. The uncertainty and anxiety that causes does not benefit anyone's health.

The researchers reviewed the data of almost 141,000 workers in the United States, Europe and Australia.The average age of the workers was 42 years.

The researchers found that diabetes rates were 19 percent higher among those who felt job insecurity, that is, their employment was at risk compared to workers who felt sure of their jobs.The study does not prove a cause-effect relationship, however the data has been studied and crossed and give that conclusion.

The findings of the study of workers have been published in the magazine CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal)."These results are consistent with other studies, which show that labor insecurity is associated with weight gain, a risk factor for diabetes," said author Jane Ferrie of the University of London in England.

People with labor insecurity also had a higher risk of coronary heart disease, one of the various complications of diabetes, according to Jane Ferrie.

The researchers said their findings are important to public health."Little long -term effects on the results of common diseases may have great relevance," the researchers wrote.

The authors of the study suggested that there should be policies to reduce exposure to labor insecurity.In addition, they said, it is important that doctors and other health professionals know that if someone is worried about losing their job, they can have a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Here you have the original article: Link

Canadian Medical Association Journal