Psoriatic arthritis is a disease that causes skin peel and inflammation that affects the joints, as well as blood vessels and some tissues, which causes increased blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides, in addition to decreased resistance to resistance toInsulin and because of this rise glucose levels.

Dr. Julio César Casasola Vargas, a rheumatologist at the General Hospital of Mexico, said that it is not known for sure how this association is generated between psoriatic arthritis and diabetes but it is known that 60 percent of patients with psoriasis have syndromemetabolic.

The specialist said that psoriatic arthritis starts slowly with the peeling of the skin and moderate symptoms that are controlled with anti -inflammatory, so their diagnosis goes unnoticed and when complications such as pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints are presented can be too lateand cause work disability.

In this sense, they can pass up to eight years when a patient begins with symptoms and the disease is detected, lost time to give timely treatment and not have sequelae.

Within the framework of World Rheumatoid Arthritis Day held on October 12, Dr. Casasola Vargas said that early detection is fundamental because this disease occurs between 30 and 50 years, age in which the person is activework“In the Mexican Social Security Institute we have seen that it is one of the five causes of disability.After two years of detecting 30 percent of patients stop working. ”

Likewise, the General Hospital of Mexico did a study where it was shown that 60 percent of patients who do not have more than 30 percent of their monthly income in the treatment of the disease."When you invest what you earn in health, consultations, passages, medications and you do not work, it is considered a catastrophic expense, costs that have an impact on the patient."

On the other hand, for every three women who present rheumatoid arthritis, a man suffers from it, which is because hormonal changes are a trigger."A woman after having a baby can show manifestations, also in the menarca, which is the first menstrual cycle, or in menopause, and increases if there is a family history," said Dr. Sandra Miriam Carrillo Vázquez, treasurer of the Mexican schoolof rheumatology.

An alternative for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is biological therapy that are medications that block molecules that produce inflammation and joint dysfunction.“The Mexican College of Rheumatology and the Pharmaceutical ABBVIof the condition, ”concluded Dr. Carrillo Vázquez.