The diabetes update days continue within the framework of the healthy soria of the Caja Rural Scientific Foundation led by Dr. Juan Manuel Ruiz Liso.

This year, as we have been counting, diabetes disease both of type 1 or childish and the adult type 2, is the protagonist in the program.He started yesterday at the Aula Magna Tirso de Molina from five to eight in the afternoon and continues this afternoon in the same place and the same time.

At five o'clock, Javier Gómez Ambrosi will be the researcher who will open the day, belongs to the Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition of the University of Navarra Clinic and speak about obesity and diabetes.

At half past five, Elena Martínez Segura, Nurse of the Day Hospital in Pamplona will offer the bases of nutritional education in diabetes.Physical activity related to this disease will be the following exposure, at six, by Dr. Camilo Sivla, a specialist also in Pamplona.And the last two presentations will deal with the perspectives in type 1 diabetes with Dr. Javier Escalada San Martín, and new drugs in type 2 diabetes, with Professor and Doctor Javier Salvador Rodríguez, of the Nutrition Department of the University of Navarra Clinic.Dr. Salvador Rodríguez will put the final finishing touch today and has been in the microphones of today.

According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 347 million people with diabetes, of which 90 percent suffer from type 2 diabetes. It is estimated that in 2014 the prevalence of diabetes was nine percentAmong adults over 18 and that this disease will be the seventh cause of mortality in 2030. Although technology and medical advances in this field have greatly improved the treatment of diabetes patients, you can see how cases increase among populationyounger and younger.

"One of the most important medical advances in the treatment of type 2 diabetes is the creation of new molecules and administration devices, which are increasingly easy to administer and whose doses can be spaced more over time."The doctor has insisted that "eliminate glucose from urine a great news but in medicine you always have to clarify things."Sodium Glucose Sodium Cotransporter inhibitors Type 2, as these drugs are called by full name, work forcing glucose elimination through urine, thereby also generate liquid elimination and other effects such as voltage reductionsystolic arterial, increased HDL cholesterol (the good) and decrease of one or two kilograms of weight ”.

Making diet in case of obesity and leading a healthy life are the best drugs for the treatment of diabetes, Javier Salvador recalled, while applauding the new glucose meter “which must be available to any diabetic in the slightest briefpossible time ”.