The Son Espases Hospital and the Lilly Pharmaceutical International, specializing in diabetic treatments, have conditioned the waiting room for pediatric consultations - for which about 40,000 children spend every year, some of them with diabetes - to make it more cozy, foster habitshealthy and help families and children understand this disease.In addition, this playful space will relax children before entering the consultation

The Son Espase pediatric consultation zone has won in color, joy, warmth and humanity with the creation of a playful space so that the little ones entertain themselves before entering the consultation.

So that they arrive more relaxed before the doctor and knowing that, if they ever have the misfortune of contracting diabetes, that will not be an impediment to continue to lead a normal life, like the rest of their school classmates.

The new recreation zone, called Play Zone, has been possible thanks to a collaboration agreement signed between Son Espases hospital and the Lilly pharmaceutical multinational.It has tables, chairs, games and stories so that the little ones entertain themselves.And among the stories are those of the coca monite, the first character of the Disney factory with diabetes.Some stories that will begin to introduce in these small brains the idea that, with a planning and knowledge of this chronic disease, you can lead a normal life.

Dr. Maria Caimari, children's endocrinologist, estimates that there will be between 180 and 200 children's diabetics in the islands.Contrary to what is thought, these patients require hospital care, although in many occasions their disease is initially detected in primary care and even in schools.

Mercy to the agreement signed between the Department of Education and Health, there are teachers formed to launch the alarm if they perceive that a child under his charge urine too much, drinks at all hours, eats a lot without fattening or usually complains about belly pain, explains the specialist.

"In these cases, children come to the hospital and are admitted for several days, about a week, it depends on the state in which they arrive, where they are in the care of the diabetological team that is responsible for educating both them and their parents in a correctManagement of your illness before discharge, "reveals the endocrinologist.

Dr. Caimari estimates that every year there will be between 20 and 30 new diagnoses of this disease among the Balearic Children and that this same amount of pediatric patients will currently carry a diffuser insulin diffuser pump that avoids annoying pichazos at those ages.

In the debut of a child's disease, the first thing to handle is the state of shock and the stress of the parents, which in most cases do not know everything about this metabolic disease that will already accompany their children the restof his life.

Hence the doctor congratulates the creation of this playful space that will serve to normalize diabetes from knowledge.