On November 14, World Diabetes Day is celebrated (Frederick Banting's anniversary who, along with Charles Best, discovered insulin in 1921)

That same day the most important campaign in the world about diabetes is carried out, gathering millions of people in more than 160 countries to increase awareness about the disease.

That is why November 14 at the Central Hall of the Austral University Hospital, the Diabetes Service will carry out free glyce controls to every interested person.The controls are open to the community.

The purpose is the "early detection of the disease."This serious condition has been increasing and this tendency will not be that we undertake actions to prevent it.

The Diabetes Service of the Austral University Hospital has been working 16 years ago to provide the community service in terms of prevention, treatment of chronic complications.

During the month of November the Austral University Hospital will carry out a series of completely free activities related to diabetes to increase the awareness and prevention of the disease in charge of experts.As every year, teachers, hospital nurses and students of the Nursing School of Unversity accompany us.

Activity schedule:

November 14: World Diabetes Day.
In the main hall of the hospital, we will perform, detection tests, through the measurement of hair glycemia for free, the attendees will participate in the School of Nursing of the Universidad Austral, the Nursing and Diabetology Service of the Austral University Hospital
Pilar Square: from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., joint activities with the Municipal Center for Education, Prevention and Assistance to Patients with Diabetes (CEPA) dependent on the Municipality of Pilar and the institutions of the area dedicated to the specialty our institution will be represented byThe students and teachers of the Nursing School of the Universidad Austral and members of the Diabetology Service

November 18: National Cinema for Diabates Blind Prevention: A Free "Eye Fondo" will be held to all diabetic people.If diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed, the case is derived to make other studies that will determine if the patient requires treatment
November 22: Diabetes Education talk.14:00 to 4:00 p.m.First floor
November 29: Educational talk about diabetes from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.Hospital first floor