Continuing with the extensive activity that Adisa has been carrying out, with their partners, people with diabetes and public in general, last Saturday, September 23, an informative meeting was achieved, which was called: “Towning myths about diabetes and nutrition”

On this occasion, she was in charge of Dr. Carolina Barreiro and the Bachelor of Nutrition Débora Soteldelivering education material.

We dialogue with Dr. Carolina Barreiro:

“We have been for some time, supporting the Diabetic Association.Where immediately, we begin to organize talks, in order to carry out a set of activities, which will be very beneficial for the association.

When did the activities begin?

In April.

I started providing the first talk in June, about "which is diabetes and generalities about diabetes."
The second was provided by Debora Sotelo, about "healthy eating in diabetes."

And last Saturday, we provided it together with Deborah, talking about "myths about diabetes and healthy eating."

How did the population respond?

We were full room.A very good concurrence.

We deal on this occasion, not to load the slides much, which were with images, because there were people of all ages.And leave that topic, as always open, waiting in case there is a doubt, so that they feel comfortable and can ask.

When there are many doubts, we leave it to achieve it in the end, but we try to do it, in a way, in which everyone who attends can participate, since it seems much more enriching.

What are the talks, in addition to education and prevention?

More than anything is diabetes education.

Although many times, people who do not suffer from it concur.We know that education in prevention is today, one of the fundamental pillars in the treatment of diabetes.

Because a patient who is not educated in his illness, is very difficult to fulfill a treatment of chronic disease.

What worried the patient most in this talk?

It was what we expected: the number of myths we deal with, were the ones who were really rooted in them.
I am worried about misinformation, "from mouth to mouth."

He who "my neighbor told me", or "Fulanito has diabetes and does this or that thing."

Well, it is true "for the Fulanito", but diabetes, carries a treatment, which is individualized.So, I can't treat me, with the instructions that another person has.I need to go to the doctor and let this one, who makes me a specific treatment for me.

What worries a diabetes patient most?

Most of the questions in the talk, revolved around their treatment: about monitoring.If they walk well or badly.
When in reality what should worry the most, it is in the long term, that diabetes can reach, to compromise other organs.

Can you see that treatments are met?

Yes, medication treatments are fulfilled.

What costs the most are the changes, in the lifestyle of each one.


We call a change in lifestyle to:
*A healthy eating (a diabetic feeding plan).
*Physical activity

These two things, it is the most difficult thing to get, for everyone.

Fundamental pillars for good diabetes control.

We can say that there are four:
*Physical exercise.
*Medication treatment.

Auto care is also very important.

In Adisa Association, something very nice, maintaining the diabetic, a very good relationship with our nurse.
They arrive,They are controlled, ask the questions and may find in it, that person who can guide them.

What is the incidence?

There are studies that show that there is an epidemic of type 2 diabetes, which is linked to obesity, changes in food and physical exercise.We have to treat it and prevent it, because otherwise, the increase will be such that health services will not be able to cover, all the repercussions they bring.

What is the next talk in Adisa?

It will be a talk, focused on nutrition.On healthy recipes in diabetes, for summer.

We invite everyone: partners and if they are not, that Adisa members are made, because there they have many benefits, along with the support of all our staff.And if they are not diabetic, partners can also be made, to collaborate with the institution.
Mary Olivera.