Education and Health want to extend a figure that was born in 2011 and that today have 189 schools and institutes.

Four courses that the initiative began in Extremadura.From then on until now there are 189 schools and institutes that have the so -called 'Educational Teacher of Health'.It is the name that teachers who are in charge of doing the mediation function between students with diseases that must be controlled in the school and the health center where the child is treated.

So far it is the schools and institutes with students with diabetes or rare diseases that have this figure.But the Ministry of Education and Health already work on the implementation of a new agreement that allows extending this figure to all of Extremaduran educational centers.

According to sources from the department directed by Esther Gutiérrez, since 2011 teachers and educational centers apply in cases with students enrolled with diabetes a specific action protocol.According to the same, first the health center that is in the area where there are boys and girls enrolled with diabetes must name in the health center itself a nurse who attends those cases (a personnel who previously meet the patient and their case).

Teachers who assume the function will be formed by health personnel
Once this healthcare professional is aware that in the school of the area (or in the town) there are students who have diabetes, in the educational center the figure of the 'teacher educational referent in health' is designated."He is a teacher or teacher who, voluntarily, will assume the maintenance work of the necessary contact with the parents and with the referent nurse of the health center," explains the Ministry of Education.Among its functions is to establish a registration of students with diabetes of the educational center, convene meetings between parents and the reference nurse, collaborate with the fulfillment of the Personalized Care Plan, supervise and request the necessary documentation and spaces for the care and control ofDiabetes in the educational center, as well as being aware that there are sugar or sugary drinks in the different rooms where there are students with diabetes.

mandatory appointment

The Ministry clarifies that this 'Educational Health Reference Teacher' must be appointed necessarily in educational centers where there are students with diabetes, in the same way as this course, for the first time and after the new protocol approved last summer, also theEducational centers where there are students with rare diseases have to count on this figure.

In total, according to the data provided by the Board, there are currently 185 health references for diabetes and four centers have this figure for rare disease cases.

But the Ministry of Education and Health are profiling a new protocol to extend the figure of the 'Educational Teacher of Health' "to all educational centers in the region, even if they do not have students with diabetes or with rare diseases," they clarify.

These figures are independent of the nurses that there are this course in fifty educational centers "to constantly serve students who have very serious pathologies", and that unions and political groups have asked to be extended to all centers.

However, this demand does not seem to make this course come true.Education reiterates that nursing staff is only in centers that have students with very serious and difficult control pathologies.But it will seek, with the new agreement that is emerging, that in all schools and institutes there is a health reference.In this sense, the Ministry adds that when the newProtocol is a reality, specific training will be offered to the appointed teachers, which will be taught from the centers of teachers and resources (CPRS) by qualified health personnel.

For agreements that are already underway, for diabetes and rare diseases, teachers who assume the function obtain points that can then use to position themselves better in the transfer competitions or in the oppositions that are convened.

Regarding the educational centers that have this course a nurse, Education remembers that there are five: Institute El Pomar (Jerez de los Caballeros), College Our Lady of Flowers (Bodonal de la Sierra), Virgen de la Luz College (Cheles),Llerena Institute and College Work (Mérida).