On Sunday 13, on the eve of World Diabetes Day, the population is called to take part in the first march to sensitize about a disease that is calculated affects 10 % of the adult population -although in the most aging Galicia it reaches 20%- and that "up to half of those affected do not even know what they suffer," laments Teresa Martínez, head of the Endocrinology Service of the University Hospital Complexo to Coruña.

Organized with the Pediatrics Service of the Teresa Herrera Maternal Hospital and with the Galician Society of Endocrinoloxía, the appointment will be on Sunday at 11.00 hours of the Casa del Agua, where the participants will depart to cover a journey through the Paseo Marítimo to theSource of surfers.

Those interested in participating just have to register through the email hello@oceano-azul.es."It is a march, not a career because the intention is precisely that everyone, children, adolescents, but also parents and grandparents," says the specialist, who emphasizes that the goal is precisely to attract attention to a pathology"Very prevalent and which is still not paying the attention it needs and deserves."

In addition, the idea of ​​organizing a walk also tries to project the importance of physical exercise, along with other measures such as diet, to control a disease whose advance has important consequences on health.

On this occasion, specialists want to put special emphasis on the importance of detecting increasing diabetes, which affects children and adolescents, and also underline the effort made by these youngsters to keep their glucose levels at bay."They sacrifice a lot, they have to click, look a lot what they eat, control hypoglycemia ... and in schools you are not always aware of the effort," he emphasizes.

On Saturday, afternoon games for families

One day before the march, on Saturday afternoon, the House of Water will be the scene of a day organized by Indiabetes and the Association of Diabetics that, although with adult content, will put special emphasis on the didactic activities for children, ofSo the little ones learn by playing useful tools such as the most appropriate diet.