We talk to an expert to clarify the most common mistakes when thinking about this disease.

In Spain, 12% of the population is diabetic.But many do not know.

The first thing surprising when speaking with Mercedes Galindo Rubio, educator in diabetes in the endocrinology and nutrition service of the San Carlos Hospital in Madrid, are the figures he comments.

“In our country the incidence is high - he says on the phone -, we are talking about 12% of the population.There is also the fact that young children have an important overweight index: our obesity rates are among the three highest in Europe.

Therefore it is essential that there are advice on healthy eating and physical exercise.But also because in Spain, about 5.6% of the population can have type 2 diabetes and not be diagnosed. ”And their conservatives since the Diabetes Foundation speaks of more than five million Spaniards, over 18, with diabetes.Of which 2, 3 million had not been diagnosed.

Education, therefore, is fundamental.Not only for diabetics, who must learn to recognize symptoms, treatments and signs of their body, but also for the rest of the population that can prevent it, avoiding sedentary lifestyle and abuse of certain foods.

And here comes one of the great myths: diabetics cannot eat sweets.“That is false - explains Galindo Rubio -.They have to know the amount of carbohydrates, if they are quick or slow absorption sweets.If they have fat or fibers, the absorption is slower.And then know themselves, how they have an impact on their body.They are also taught what rapid insulin dose corresponds to certain sweets or carbohydrates and thus can take a dessert or any sweet.And these are the same as we take, not something specific for diabetics. ”

Another belief is the one that indicates that eating many sweets is what causes diabetes.“Also a false idea - says Galindo Rubio -.Type 2 diabetes is caused by overweight or obesity, not sweets.Eating more calories than necessary and sedentary lifestyle.The causes of type 1 diabetes are still unknown but their relationship with sweets is not demonstrated either. ”

Education is a fundamental preventive measure.Carrying a healthy diet and performing physical exercise, something that diabetics can also do normally, despite the beliefs that they should not make physical efforts.“This has remained from previous times - says Galindo Rubio - when there were unpredictable insulinas or glucometers that were not available to anyone.

Today the important thing is education about diabetes and that this knowledge is applied to everyday life.We currently have predictable, basal, very slow or short duration drugs and insulins and that allows delaying or programming the dose and the time of exercise.

It is also possible to complement it with carbohydrates.On the other hand there are glucometers that are very quickly, small and can be carried anywhere and even sensors that measure in real time our blood sugar level or insulin bags with which the dose can be programmed and the moment. ”

And, although it seems obvious, it is also necessary to clarify that diabetes is not contagious.“Neither the seasonal, nor the lada, nor type 1 or 2 - concludes Galindo Rubio - are infected.They can be hereditary, but living with a person with diabetes has no risk. ”