Eight liters of water daily, weight loss, fatigue, pain, thirst, a lotof these that you say 'everything is going well'.It was a mirage.

When they entered me, I had 450 blood sugar, very high levels of ketone bodies in the urine and the damn hemorrhage that led me -God thank you -, to the hospital.My blood was 'poisoned' by sugar.

The doctor was very clear: "You have type 1 diabetes mellitus."The world came to me.How could it be?There is no family history;I don't like sweet, nothing at all, I don't even try it, or try it.What does ignorance.

The reasons were secondary.The first was to reduce those sugar levels.Insulin in one pathway and glucose in another to avoid hypoglycemia."You are admitted."That first night was my worst nightmare.I stayed several times without control over my body, my arms and legs did not react to me, I didn't feel my lips, I had cold sweats ... Damn sugar down!Was this what awaited me for the rest of my life?I couldn't even accept it.

I was in the hospital for three weeks.But the worst was in my head that I was unable to accept that with only 25 years I was going to be a chronic patient for a lifetime.Because?Why me?

They did several studies and, although there was no clear reason at all, one took place.The almost four years I was working from 00.00 hours to 07.00, food lack of control, lack of exercise, sleeping shortages ... had fallen crazy to my system.The pancreas did not endure and took its toll.

I had to learn to prick;I had to learn to make sugar controls;I had to learn how much carbohydrates they had 20 grams of bread and how many could eat;I had to assimilate that I had to exercise every day;I had to raise awareness of the consequences that any excess would have for me;I had to accept, in short, that he was a sick;I had to digest that I had to live.And I confess: it cost me.

I resorted to professionals, but above all to my family, my parents, who is now my husband, my friends and people who like me were insulin -dependent diabetic.I learned to take care of myself, to walk an hour every day, to rest before the body tells you enough.

10 years after that July 25, I live medically controlled with daily sugar reviews, clinical analysis every two months, visit the endocrine every three ...

I have a completely normal life, except for some scare caused by hypoglycemia.My whole body is connected to that sugar and when something is altered, either food, physical or emotional, the system suffers and the sugar downturn and the panic button comes.Not for me, that in this decade I have managed to manage them, but for those around me.They are passive chronic patients.

I live with this disease, not surviving.And I live happy within the limitations that diabetes supposes me.Few, really.It is a maxim that I set out to discover it.I would limit myself fair and necessary to be healthy, to take care of myself, but for nothing more.

Since then I have had two children.Two pregnancies, more controlled, but without any problem, two normal births and two healthy children.They are not diabetic, but they don't like sweet either.I work, I go, I go out ... I enjoy life accompanied by the glucometer, insulin, food control and analysis.My travel companions.A trip, with a backpack than that of a healthy person, but like anyone's.I am a diabetic, yes.I am a chronic sick, yes, but I know how to live.