The Andalusian Health Service (SAS) will enable multidisciplinary units of diabetic footing in all Andalusian provinces, consolidating or creating multidisciplinary units of diabetic foot attention in regional hospitals and ensuring at least one in each province.The Andalusian Health Counselor, Marina Álvarez, has underlined in her appearance in the last health commission of Parliament, that "prevention and attention to the diabetic foot is a priority."

Currently, these types of units are in operation in the Virgen del Rocío and Virgen Macarena hospitals in Seville, Regional Hospital of Malaga, Torrecárdenas hospital complex of Almería, Puerta del Mar de Cádiz Hospital, Reina Sofía de Córdoba Hospital and the Hospital Complex of Jaén.Likewise, the project has started in Granada.

To improve accessibility to these units and healthcare continuity, in 2018, the definition or review of all local clinical pathways will also proceed and the specific recommendations related to the prevention and management of the diabetic foot, included in the process, will be updated in the processAssistance Diabetes (PAI) and in the specific support document 'Diabetic foot prevention and management'.

The optional and nursing professionals who participate in these units will receive a continuous training offer in prevention and care to the diabetic foot.In addition, three annual editions of a multidisciplinary approach course of the diabetic foot, three months long, aimed at the professionals of diabetes in primary care and hospital care and hospital care will be held.

"Our goal is to continue improving health results in relation to this disease, expanding coverage to Andalusian patients with diabetes and increasing resources, as well as guaranteeing quality assistance to one of the most important health problems in our society," heHighlighted Álvarez.

To achieve this objective, as the head of Health explained in Parliament, the extension to all regional hospitals and specialties of diabetes day hospitals with a homogeneous services portfolio and the incorporation into them of the same of theAdvanced diabetes practice for nursing professionals that are currently being designed from the diabetes plan together with the care strategy.

Also and progressively throughout the validity of the III Diabetes Plan, functional diabetes units will be defined in all hospital centers and protocols of collaboration with the UGCs of reference endocrinology that allow ensuring accessibility in the care of people with people withComplex diabetes.

In addition, in order to improve accessibility to insulin needles and reduce the risk of reuse of them, on November 1, 2016, a pilot study on the dispensation of insulin needles in pharmacy offices began in the province of Seville to pharmacy offices toThrough prescription in Recipe XXI and charged to the Andalusian Health Service, with a high degree of satisfaction by users and professionals.

Currently, this system has begun to extend to other provinces, being Málaga the second that has incorporated this dispensation system in this month of October.The extension will continue to be carried out progressively in the following order: Cádiz, Huelva, Almería, Córdoba, Granada and Jaén.