Health commemorates World Diabetes Day in Gomera with activities to raise awareness and prevent

The Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands, through the Health Area of ​​La Gomera and the Management of Health Services of this island, celebrated on the island an extensive program of activities to commemorate World Diabetes Day 2016 with the aim ofraise awareness among citizens about the importance of early diagnosis and the need to follow healthy lifestyle habits that stop the appearance of the disease and its associated complications.

To do this, according to the director of the Health Area of ​​La Gomera, Olivia T. Padilla, were installed in all the municipalities of the island Information tables in which advice on healthy eating and physical exercise were given.In addition, hair glycemia controls, weight and size were performed to favor the early detection of diabetes.Video projections were also carried out with advice on healthy life and diabetes prevention habits.

These informative tables were located in the most transit areas of people, in order to reach as many diabetes potential patients.The informative day was held in the municipal market of San Sebastián, at the Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Hospital, in the Health Centers of San Sebastián, Hermigua, Agulo, Vallehermoso and Valle Gran Rey and in the Plaza del Carmen de Carmen de Playa Santiago, in Alajeró.In addition, the Vallehermoso Health Center celebrated a talk about diabetes prevention.