On the occasion of World Diabetes Day, which is celebrated on November 14, the Diabetes Lab Exhibition has been opened in the Circle of Fine Arts, which is free and will be open until November 5, of11 to 14 and from 17 to 21 hours.The exhibition has the participation of the Spanish Diabetes Federation (FEDE) and the Diabetes Foundation, the support of the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED) and the SED Foundation and is promoted by Novo Nordisk, with the collaboration of Grupo Sanhed.

The presentation act has been chaired by Olga Insua, general director of Novo Nordisk Spain and president of the Diabetes Foundation, who has recognized that with this exhibition he has fulfilled “the dream of bringing diabetes closer to citizens to help them understand andKnow this chronic pathology. ”

“In Novo Nordisk we have been taking care of diabetes for almost a hundred years.Since I assumed the company's direction in Spain I was around this idea in my head.Our intention is that both people with diabetes and without diabetes and their families are the true protagonists.It is one of our challenges as a company, to promote citizen participation and involvement in diabetes prevention and care, as well as improve the quality of life of people who suffer from it. ”

Also, they have intervened in the presentation John Nielsen, ambassador of Denmark in Spain;Carmen Martínez, representative of Madrid Health of the City Council, as well as various spokesmen for scientific societies and associations of patients such as Andoni Lorenzo, president of the Fede;Anna Novials, president of thirst, and Sonia Gaztambide, president of the SED Foundation.

In his speech, Anna Novials recalled that "diabetes has a growing epidemiological, social, economic and health."“The knowledge of it is in an important phase of evolution and progress.And in this process the therapeutic education in diabetes has become an essential role, ”added the thirst president.

Playful training

The visitor of the Diabetes Lab exhibition can receive more information and pathology formation in a playful way, with audiovisual and interactive resources, workshops for children and adults, etc."The objective is to learn, understand and know the prevention, approach and treatment of diabetes," the organizers explained.

In the exhibition there are:

- Adult activities.
- Interactive resources.
- Games for children and young people.
- Audiovisual documentaries.
- Photographic exhibition.
- A space for consultation and information of the Spanish Diabetes Federation and the Diabetes Foundation.

Increase incidence

The incidence of diabetes has increased in recent years, and it is estimated that it will continue to do so in the future if it is not controlled in an adequate way.The education and awareness of the population are fundamental to reduce the risks of diabetes, such as cardiovascular diseases.Apart from prevention, specialists have highlighted the need to improve the diagnosis of diabetes, since it may not give symptoms until complications appear.