When heading the beginning of the “Take control of diabetes already” program, municipal president Juan Carrillo Soberanis said that this will be permanent during the rest of his administration, in support of people who live with diabetes, one of the diseases that most afflictedTo the Mexican population.

Through this program, the City of Isla Women, will deliver 80 doses of insulin for free.

The mayor island, accompanied by the general secretary of the City Council, Antonio Coronado Rojas, recalled that Mexico occupies the second place worldwide among countries with the most incidence of diabetes, which requires the effort of the whole society to support those who suffer from it.

Therefore, he said that as a municipal government, we cannot make the needs of the population, and we make the part that corresponds to us for the benefit of those who need it most.

“This is a necessary medication to be well, we are aware of this, so we implement this program so that when it is needed in the hospital, we have supply to support diabetic patients, bringing a record that allows us to guarantee that the medicine arrivesWho really needs it and does not lack, ”explained the mayor.

He added that in the municipality there is a considerable population of people who require the medicine for their treatment, but sometimes it is not available in the health system.

"We want to see the healthy and happy island population, so we are assuming commitments to her to be so," said the mayor.

Dr. Rosa Isela Llinas Capetillo, of the "Take control of diabetes alreadytreatment, what sometimes they cannot do by not having access to insulin - in the case of those who need it to control diabetes - for various reasons.