World Diabetes Day 2017, which annually summons the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) on November 14, and which supports from our country the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED) and its Foundation (FSED), this year gives special attentionto the problems of diabetes in women.

Under the motto "Women and Diabetes: Our right to a healthy future", in this edition it is influenced by specially worrying data that affect the incidence and prevalence of the disease in the female sex, as well as in the particular consequences that thisHealth problem has in this part of the population.

As Sonia Gaztambide, president of the foundation of the Spanish Diabetes Society, “gender roles and power dynamics influence diabetes vulnerability, affect access to health services and behavior in the health search for health of the health ofthe woman and amplify the impact of diabetes on women. ”

In his opinion, “women are more vulnerable to this disease, because they are more exposed to risk factors, such as less healthy nutrition and lower physical activity, especially in developing countries;In addition, due to socio -economic inequalities, women seek medical attention in a later way and even in certain countries have less access to medical services. ”

IMG 1699 It is currently considered that in Spain gender differences are minimal in information, education and access to health care, but this situation is not universal.“While in our country, following the recommendations of the National Diabetes Strategy, a gestational diabetes screening is made in all pregnant women, the same does not happen in other nations.

In the same way, it may be difficult to carry out in certain countries the recommendations to perform a regular physical activity (for adequate prevention and treatment of diabetes), because there is a prohibition of exercising in public spaces, for cultural reasons ”,Remember María Ángeles Martínez de Salinas, responsible for the local organizational committee of the DMD.

However, as this expert acknowledges, "in our country these differences are much lower, but certain inequalities in health, especially to disadvantaged socioeconomic situations, which occur more frequently in the female population persist."

This circumstance is shown, this specialist highlights, "it entails a greater risk factor of developing diabetes, worse control of the disease and a lower adhesion to treatment."

But, in addition, important differences between autonomous communities are noticed.As the president of the FSED denounces, “education is not done equally in all autonomies, in the same way that access to reactive strips necessary for control is not the same in all autonomous communities;And there is also no equity in access to monitoring systems continues, for example. ”

Prevention agent

But, apart from these considerations, the woman plays another crucial role in relation to diabetes.According to Martínez de Salinas, "women, worldwide, can play a fundamental role in diabetes prevention."Even today, in many societies women are largely the feeding guardians at home.Therefore, says this expert, "knowledge must be offered to transmit that ability to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, and help in the adoption of healthy lifestyles that improve their health and that of their families."

On the other hand, for adequate diabetes management, self -care is required."Many women are key in the health care of others, but sometimes it is difficult for them to take care of themselves," Martínez deSalinas, who is head of the Endocrinology section of the San Pedro Hospital (Logroño).Thus, it is insisted from thirst on the importance of informing women about adequate diet, regular exercise and the correct taking of medication for optimal control of the disease;Likewise, it is urged to favor healthy behaviors before and during pregnancy, and advises gestation planning with optimal metabolic control.