Type 2 diabetes is a disease that can be prevented and those who still do not suffer from it, but record high blood glucose levels, can avoid it if it is detected early, make radical changes in their eating habits and are constantly exercised, said theDirector of the National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control (Cenaprece), Jesús González Roldán.

In a dialogue in which the Secretary of Mobility of Mexico City also participated, Héctor Serrano, who was diagnosed with the disease just over 15 months ago, both agreed that to combat the progress of the condition in the country, they are not requiredGreat efforts not much money, but discipline and, fundamentally, a change in personal habits.

“Medications help, try to compensate, but the important thing is in habits, in the behavioral part.It involves family and society.We have to mobilize so that the seven out of 10 Mexicans with obesity reversed this condition.There are very simple measures that are not expensive, which go beyond the field of health, ”said Dinoprece director, who explained that in 15 years there have been 100 thousand deaths for diabetes, which suffer 9 million ofMexicans

He insisted that it is necessary to make medical checks periodically and not wait for diabetes symptoms, such as tiredness, thirst, hunger, weight loss, need to urinate frequently and lack of encouragement.He said it is a silent disease and a person can spend several years living with her before presenting her first crisis.

To prevent the disease, especially if there is genetic predisposition (by parents or grandparents), basic, but fundamental measures must be taken, such as taking care of food (avoiding sugar and fat consumption), not skipping meals and making collations between them, consume fruits and vegetables, perform physical activity and become constant medical check -ups.

“It has to do with taking care of our own health and not waiting for symptomatology to be present.We must do periodic checks: as we check the cars, we must check our own organism, ”he said.

“The most important thing is that if I change my habits at that time: I have good diet, I do physical activity and in some cases medication will be required, I take it and I am disciplined, thus a reverse and I will not have the effects related toThe increase in glucose, ”he said.

"It is possible to reverse it."Héctor Serrano told his experience after being diagnosed with the disease.He said that since childhood he was robust and even became a "chubby child" when, culturally, the overweight in the Mexican was seen as a sign of vitality and health.Since then he felt weakness for the garnachas and the high meals in caloric content;To this was added his genetic background, since his mother and grandmother had been diabetic.

These two conditions: obesity and genetic predisposition, raised the chances of developing the disease;Recently, before turning 53, his doctor confirmed to the head of the Mobility Secretariat of Mexico City that had high blood glucose levels, above 200 points;The sign that Serrano was diabetic.

He said that from then on, and after his first unpleasant experience with the medicine to reduce blood sugar, he made the decision to modify his lifestyle.He is 13 months without using Nungun Medication to treat diabetes, since he has managed to reverse his high blood glucose levels based on good eating habits and exercise.

“I would describe myself as a diabetic that became prediabetic, because I achievedTotally reverse my glucose status with food changes and a little exercise, "he said and added:" For 53 years I had not exercised and can be reversed.You must have confidence, will and the desire to do it. ”

Seven out of 10 suffer from it.Jesús González Roldán, said that diabetes is a silent evil that has become one of the first two causes of death in our country, along with cardiovascular diseases, and affects seven out of 10 adult Mexicans and one in one of eachThree children, according to figures from the latest National Health and Nutrition Survey.

"We cannot get used to the dance of the figures, today 98,500 people for diabetes are dying a year in this country," he said.

González Roldán said there is a significant number of patients who do not know that they live with the disease and others who do not go to their medical services to review and follow up.Most of those diagnosed had presented symptoms, but they didn't know they had the disease until they were done the blood test.

He recalled that a couple of weeks ago Mexico became the first country in the world to launch two epidemiological alerts due to non -infectious diseases: diabetes and overweight or obesity, which occupy the first places of causes of death of the population.

He pointed out that the issuance of these alerts was not delayed, since since 2014, the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto launched the national strategy for the prevention and control of overweight, obesity and diabetes, which exists in the 32 entities thatThey are aligned with the three strategic pillars: public health, medical care and fiscal and regulatory policies.

“Mexico is one of the countries that has worldwide one of the best epidemiological surveillance systems.Nothing but we had the clear data of what was happening in the health centers.Today we have all the strategy and indicators for the states, ”he explained.