The president of the Spanish Diabetes Federation (FEDE), Andoni Lorenzo, has met this week with the health representatives of the parliamentary groups of Citizens, Podemos and Popular (last week he held a meeting in the same terms with the socialist group) with the aim of transferring the reality of the problems facing the group of people with diabetes and their concern for how they are being addressed.The different groups have shown their receptivity to Fede's proposals and have pledged to assess the measures and make a decision on them in the Health Commission of the lower house that addresses the matter.

The socialist group presented last week a non -law proposition for the rights of these patients about the main challenges of Fede is to end the labor discrimination that many people with diabetes continue to suffer.Therefore, this group of patients has exposed them that their objective is that public administrations meet, in their public employment offers, with the legal principle that contemplates that no one should be discriminated against by health and, at the same time, he has claimedthat those obsolete norms that do not take into account the advances in the self -control of diabetes are evaluated and corrected.In addition, he has claimed that the diabetes strategy be evaluated, since it has not been updated for more than 4 years.

In addition to exposing their demands, Lorenzo has asked them to adhere to the proposition of the law registered last week in the Congress of Deputies together with the Socialist Group with the aim of improving, among all, the quality of life of these patients.For his part, the Spokesman for Health of the Citizen Parliamentary Group, Francisco Igea, has been in favor of supporting this initiative with which they agree, although he has expressed his reservations at one of the points presented by Fede, which refers,Specifically, to include the glycemic index in the labeling of food products distributed specifically for people with diabetes.

For its part, the spokeswoman for Health of the Parliamentary Group Podemos, Marta Sibina, has expressed support both the measures raised by them and the NLP, although they have nuanced that it considers it important to add to this document a section on diabetological education.On the issue of labor discrimination, from this group, they have proposed to implement an initiative to change the Public Employment Law and, thus, to be able to adequately stop this problem.

Finally, from the popular parliamentary group, its spokesman for Health, María Teresa Angulo, has shown affinity in the face of the proposals and demands presented by Fede, to whom he has transmitted that they will assess them and analyze them and fix their position in the Health Commission that evaluatesThis matter.

In Andoni Lorenzo's opinion, “the meetings held during the last week with the main parliamentary groups has been a step forward to achieve consensus in diabetes.From Fede we have found that all are aware of the seriousness of this pathology and its high prevalence, as well as what is necessary to take measures to alleviate this situation and improve the quality of life of people already diagnosed.We hope the NLP will move forward with the endorsement of all groups, the only way that diabetes improvements do not fall in broken sack and stay over time. ”