Regarding the commemoration of World Diabete Day, Dr. Ximena Mira Lorenzo, ophthalmologist with a high specialty in retina and vitreous of the Center for Ophthalmological Specialties and Vixaya Diabetes, in the city of Querétaro.

The body acquires greater difficulty in conversioning the glucose that we have in the blood into energy and this causes serious health problems.For this reason, people with diabetes must submit not only to the classic routine tests but also to a periodic review of their view.

There are two red foci in visual care: the growing aging of the population and the high incidence of diabetes mellitus in Mexicans.

These conditions increase the presence of diseases that can lead to blindness and visual deficiencies such as age -related macular degenerationMellitus.

However, Dr. Mira said, most patients with diabetes due to ignorance underestimate control of their illness despite studying with visual complications.Hence the importance of educating every patient with diabetes regarding the need to go to the expert in visual diseases that is the ophthalmologist as soon as it has been diagnosed.

Diabetic retinopathy can reach advanced stages such as diabetic macular edema and is the main cause of blindness in the person with diabetes, which means a potential risk for the 11.5 million adult Mexicans who live today with diabetes.

If we add to this that in general terms in our country the detection is late, and the control of diabetes is not optimal, we are facing a serious public health problem with serious consequences for patients as for institutions, said the specialist.

Most of the time the complications of the eye develop without symptoms in the earliest stages.The vision may not present alterations until complications aggravate.

With an early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, the loss of vision of patients with diabetes can be stabilized and, even recovered, allowing them to resume their normal life.And while the symptoms are not likely to disappear in their entirety, today it is possible to observe a clear improvement in vision through innovative intraocular application treatments called antiangiogenic (anti-VEGF) such as AFLIBERPT or by surgery.This is why it is so important to make periodic views of the view.

If you have diabetes, you should take an exam of your eyes once a year.Finding and treating problems on time can take sight.