It is not something new that diabetes is one of the most common death causes in the 21st century.It is for that reason that one of the best ways to prevent it, in addition to leading a healthy lifestyle at all times, is through some medical tests to review that everything is in order.

The tests that we present below are recommended by the American Diabetes Association.We tell you how they are done and what you should know is that they all serve the same: detect that your blood sugar levels are in perfect condition.

Ego and FPG: They are usually the most common for these purposes.The first of these is the general urine exam, which allows measuring the presence of glucose in the urine, although it cannot determine 100% a diabetic condition.That is why it is complemented by the FPG that is blood sugar analysis, which measures the concentration of glucose in the blood, with it there will be a much clearer panorama.

HBA1C: It is the A1C hemoglobin exam that is done by taking a blood sample or clicking your finger to obtain a drop of blood in a laboratory.What will reveal the aforementioned test is the percentage of blood sugar concentration.At greater concentration, greater conditions for diabetes.

OGTT: It is the oral glucose tolerance test.It consists of the fact that after an eight -hour fast, the patient is taken a blood sample to see their sugar levels.Subsequently, it is made to drink a solution with high glucose levels and the same indicators are measured again in the following two hours to determine the conditions in which the body assimilates this component.

Random blood glucose: This exam, as the name implies, is done at any time of the day by means of a blood sample to determine blood sugar levels, regardless of whether the patient has consumed food and drinks or not.This test is usually complemented with one of the above in order to have an accurate diagnosis.

At what time should any of these tests be done?

Generally when adulthood is reached, it is when people are most exposed to this type of condition, although it is not a rule.That is why from the age of 25 on average (which is when the body and organism have reached an optimal level of maturation) is when these tests should be done periodically, at least once a year toDiscard propensity to this type of suffering.

Where should I do them?

If you have a GP, it is recommended that he tell you where it would be the best place to do them.Obviously it will have to be in a laboratory that has the appropriate certifications for this purpose, since if you do everything on your own, the parameters that the studies will be impossible to understand for you.

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