"A lesson? If 5,000 steps are taken a day, you eat 5 times, with 5 portions between fruit and vegetables and 5 grams of salt, we will have good health"

He is qualified as eminence in the treatment of diabetes, and not just.Alfonso López is a man passionate about science and distributes it generously;I think the sick people who fall into their hands are very lucky.

For its explanatory capacity, its persuasion and the patience with which it tries to make between the most profane.

After listening to the knowledge that is acquired related to this disease are diaphanous;I think the university has lost a great teacher.

-You who is?

-Inaci in Oviedo (1961), older than three brothers, but I am a neighbor of Gijón always.I consider myself a worker and sociable, not in vain most of my life with the people, and I try to get involved with her.I am married and I have two children, Alfonso and Irene.Irene is a name of Greek origin that means "the one that brings peace."

-Was he always wanted to be a doctor?

- I liked biology and natural sciences, and on the other hand my father when working in banking, made me feel interest in the economy.So after doing the bachelor at the College of Immaculate, I enrolled in economics and in medicine, at the same time, to see what career I attracted me the most.The year of economics helps me to calculate the costs of diabetes in Spain.

-Did medicine in Oviedo?

-Yes, when he was dean of the Faculty Antonio Pérez Casas, of which I have the honor of having been his student and his doctor until the end of his life.The current Dean is Alfonso López Muñiz;We are not relatives but friends.I also did the specialty in Oviedo, in the old hospital, and the day I finished it I had to give a talk.Among the public was a doctor from the Canary Islands, who proposed to go to work at the University Hospital of Tenerife, in La Laguna.I remained there fifteen years, mainly dedicated to the development of the preventive medicine of diabetes.

- And one day he packaged, why?

-I wanted to return to my land.I joined the Jove Hospital, where I have lived seven very good years.I was the only endocrine and 55,000 patients went through my consultation.Keep in mind that the road is one of the largest neighborhoods in Spain, with a population greater than Soria.

-And now he has just moved to Mieres?

-Yes, I've been at the Álvarez-Buylla de Mieres hospital for a week;I wanted to join my Sespa Square.

-We know what diabetes is, but how would you qualify it?

-I had little proposed to a group of patients who wrote on the board the answer to that same question.One of them pointed out: a pain.Diabetes must be treated as your partner.Everything is going well if you treat it well, and badly if you despise it.All diabetes complications derive from lack of control.And these are serious.It is the first cause of blindness in the working population;the first cause of dialysis and renal transplantation.In 20 or 30 percent, it is the origin of the periodontal disease;The teeth fall alone.And it has a huge influence on heart attacks and strokes.

-But it seems that people do not give importance, such as cancer, for example.

-This is the subject.All those complications would be avoided.

-How is it diagnosed?

- There are three identification points.The first is the genetic predisposing.The second obesity.And the third the feeling of thirst, weight loss and urinating a lot.Diabetes means "river."A river of glucose.You are leaving the urine, you lose energy, increase the risk of infections, and in the long term the blood vessels are closed;From there, the infarction, the stroke and the amputations.90 percent of diabetics are of type 2, that is, those who have the genetic factor or are obese.

-Hascure, diabetes?

-No, but good control resembles healing.Missing knowledge;if hurt?You have to know if your ancestors suffered to take measures that can save your life.

-Are your treatments advanced?

-There are wonderful.It will do a hundred years of the discovery of insulin, the hormone that distributes sugar in our body.Your insufficiency can be recovered with pills or with a simple puncture.There are long -term insulins, up to 72 hours, with a low risk of hypoglycemia.These, the sugar drops, are fatal since the brain only feeds on sugar.

-Then, those thinning diets that suppress it?

-Ojo, there are two types of sugars.The simple ones, that is, those that contain the cakes, the treats, the chocolates and the soft drinks;These are very bad for health in general.And then there are complex sugars, which are in rice, legumes, fruit, pasta and bread;The good ones.

-Are the treatments are expensive?

-Meads, because of complications.They cost 5.8 billion euros a year, the same as the budget of the Ministry of Defense.It is the highest cost of all health, by far.Only in Asturias more than 100 million euros a year are used in its treatment.

-Do you have an age, diabetes?

- The type 1, that of children, is autoimmune and is controlled with insulin;Its incidence is lower.The type 2 affects people of any age, is that of genetic origin attached to inappropriate diet.

-Does this disease die?

-No, but of the complications, being able to remove ten or twenty years of life.All these terrible things we have, I insist, can be avoided with good control.

-Is it possible that there are people on the diabetic street who do not know?

-A 30,000 people in these moments that ignore it, but who will end up finding themselves, with possible irreparable consequences.There are no alarm mechanisms, so doctors face an arduous task.

-Is there an acquired diabetes, that is, without genetic factor?

-Yes, but less frequent.It is that due to damage to the pancreas, due to excess alcohol or a disease of the pancreas.

-Are there zones in the most prone world, or is it generalized?

-The less cases are given in China, in Japan;People are thinner.There are islands in the Pacific whose population was very slender, but the Americans arrived, put a base and then installed McDonald's and other rejoicing, and today they are diabetic.This world has no arrangement;One billion people die of obesity and another billion go hungry.

-What would you tell people in general?

-That nobody is terrified, but the first thing is to make a reflection to find out if there is a risk of diabetes, to face it as a partner with whom you have to live together.All sin comes from poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.There are five million diabetics in this 21st century Spain, and 380 million in the world, but it is estimated that in 2030 there will be 560 million, that is, one in four people will be diabetic.Who will pay it?WHO, the US are very worried.

-Improits a lesson, please.

-With great pleasure.If 5,000 steps are taken a day, eat 5 times, with 5 rations between fruit and vegetables and 5 grams of salt, we will have good health.