Think twice, there is no reason for a healthy diet and lifestyle not to fit the December festivities and holidays, after all, most of the recipes can become healthier reducing their fat and sugar content, andStaying active is a matter of discipline.

If you live with diabetes, all this is fundamental, and more in the winter season.

For this reason, we bring you 7 tips for Christmas with diabetes, but well -controlled diabetes.

Stay active .Remember that you must maintain your usual activity level, regardless of all other activities of the season.Going beyond, it will surely be necessary to add more minutes of exercise to compensate a little calories added to your diet.

Use the plate method in your meals .We have already mentioned it before, the plate method is very effective to control the amount of food consumed by a person with diabetes.It is very simple, it allocates half of the plate for vegetables, a quarter for carbohydrates and another for lean protein.Of course, do not put aside your portion of fruit and fluids.

keep a record of your portions .Enjoy your favorite meals but only as much as you do normally, taking care of the portions.An advantage is that the less commas in Christmas and New Year dinners, the more reheated you will have for other days.

Stay from the sauces, dressings, gravys and other fats .Before adding these types of dressings, try your food, it most likely knows wonderfully without drowning it in added fats.And since we are in this, follow the same advice before adding salt.

stay hydrated .Drink a lot of water and limits Christmas drinks such as Irish coffee, mint lattes, chocolate and atoles, rich in sugars.

Limit your alcohol consumption .We already know that alcohol is synonymous with empty calories and how much more we drink, the less accurate decisions we make, including those referring to food.He also remembers measuring glucose after having ingested alcoholic beverages, to avoid the dangerous blood sugar peaks.

Do not skip the meals .Remember that if you are hungry, you are more likely to eat in excess.And in addition, skipping meals, it also affects your sugar levels and the behavior of your body to generate energy.

If you follow these simple tips for Christmas with diabetes, you should not have problems controlling your diabetes while enjoying the festivities.