If we think of pollution, images of large fireplaces of factories are experts to mind, expelling black smoke.However, according to the data of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona, ​​in the Catalan capital the pollutant that most affects the environment is the nitrogen dioxide that emit cars, motorcycles and other vehicles, especially diesel and those oldest.

Unfortunately, there are factors linked to climate change that are conjured to complicate the situation.Thus the drought prevents the rain from "cleaning" the air while the anticyclones help to increase the temperature and the hot air layers fall more and more, concentrating these gases and polluting elements.

In Barcelona and Metropolitan Area, population and traffic density also causes pollutants to concentrate on a small area: exactly 2'3 % of the surface of Catalonia, where 60 % of the population that performs even even4 million journeys in private vehicles.

In the metropolitan area up to 4 million displacements in private vehicles are made

In short: In a small piece of the country more than half of the population that emits huge amounts of gases and polluting particles is concentrated.How could I not affect our health?Nitrogen dioxide is an irritating gas, spicy smell and reddish brown color (hence we see that "hat" of contamination when it is climbed to Collserla).

Contamination has health effects

If the air we breathe contains nitrogen dioxide, suspended particles, but also sulfur compounds, carbon, halogen gases and photochemical oxidants, it would be naive to think that it has no effect on our well -being.Above all, those days in which pollutant levels exceed WHO or European Union recommendations.During these episodes, emergency services see a rebound in consultations, especially patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases.

They are dates in which Dr. Joan Albert Barberà (Head of the Pneumology and Allergy Service of the Respiratory Clinical Institute of the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona) and his team are more busy than normal."Yes, they have been related, both in Barcelona and in other large cities, episodes of increased pollution rates with an increase in emergency visits for respiratory reasons, but also for complications related to cardiovascular health."

Factors linked to climate change worsen the situation

And it is that pollution not only affects the lungs.Certain microparticles are associated with an increase in cardiovascular events, such as heart attack, historical heart disease, chest angina or stroke)."These episodes worsen the symptoms of people with bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease," continues Barberà.

“We see how, suddenly, someone with a chronic disease, who takes their usual medication, suddenly, notes that it is worse than on other occasions.They experience an increase in the sensation of drowning, more coughing and expectorations or noticed in the chest.Once we can rule out that it is a flu or cold "something that the winters usually complicate these patients," it is possible that environmental pollution is due. "

Effects "by accumulation"

"Contamination also affects health in a chronic way," says Dr. Bénédicte Jacquemin, Isglobal Researcher (Barcelona) and the Inserm (Paris) and expert in the effects of pollution on the respiratory system."That is, it not only affects the days when there is an episode, but also the healthy people who are exposed continuously to air pollution," summarizing all all theURBANITAS

During high pollution episodes, the emergencies between asthma patients and chronic occlusive pulmonary disease (COPD) are triggered.

In those cases, “pollution is associated with lung cancer (and other types of cancer), greater incidence of asthma and COPD but also other complications not related to the respiratory system, such as fertility problems in men and women, obesity, obesity,diabetes or problems in the cognitive development of children, ”continues Dr. Jacquemin.

What can I do to descend pollution levels?

It appears the car or, at least, combine it with public transport: doctors say it, provided you can choose walking, bike or public transport on your usual displacements.Not only will you not help the air to be cleaner, you will also win in health.

If you live far from your workplace, it is now easier to combine car and train thanks to the new Park & ​​AMP service; Ride will soon arrive in Sant Joan Despí and Castelldefels.These parking lots, designed to combine with public transport, have an affordable and regressive price, that is, it decreases depending on the duration of the stay.

On the other hand, the bike lanes network, La Bicivia, from the metropolitan area extends from Castelldefels to Montgat.They will reach 414 km in 2025 thanks to the nine major axes that AMB is building and that will cross the metropolitan area directly and safely.

In Barcelona and Metropolitan Area, up to 4 million journeys are made in private vehicles

Or better, retire it!If your vehicle is among the most pollutants you can opt for the so-called Metropolitan T-Verpal, a public transport title for the entire metropolitan area that you will have for free for three years.That is, it is a diesel tourism before 2006 or one of gasoline enrolled before the year 2000 but also if it is a cyclomotor of 2002 or before or a motorcycle enrolled before July 2004.

This is an initiative of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona that aims to encourage the use of public transport while removing the most polluting vehicles.You can find out more about these transport alternatives on the Canvi d’Hàbits page that the AMB has launched.

Exposure to pollution is associated with lung cancer, greater incidence of asthma and epoc

Stop electric vehicles.If your daily routine does not allow you walks (because you work or study far or it's all uphill) you can bet on bicycles or electric cars.The electric bicycle combines the best of two worlds: the exercise and low environmental impact of the bike and the comfort of a motorcycle in case of facing long journeys or complicated slopes.

If you want to give change to this type of vehicles, remember that the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona grants subsidies of up to 250 euros of help for the purchase of electric bikes.If you live in Barcelona City, Bicing already includes this type of bike in 46 stations distributed throughout its network.Finally, betting on the electric or hybrid car is also easier with the growing network of “electrobies” (public recharge points) in the city's metropolitan area.

Fertility problems for men and women, obesity, diabetes and cognitive problems in children are other consequences of pollution

Better if it is km 0. The transport of the products we buy also issues pollutants.We can avoid it acquiring local and seasonal products.The same applies to small purchases and errands: if you can do it in your neighborhood and avoid displacements, better.In addition, you will help develop proximity trade.

Eye with heating!Keep it between 19 and 21ºC.With each gradethat you climb (or low, if it is the air conditioning) you contribute to greater energy consumption and, therefore, to more emissions to the atmosphere.