19% of diagnosis of diabetes in Aragon suffer from some mental illness.

In global figures, this means that more than 22,000 people in Aragon suffer, simultaneously, some of these pathologies, being the most prevailing depression, present in 66 percent of cases.Anxiety, substance abuse and schizophrenia would be the mental illnesses that would follow frequently.In addition, by gender, 62.53 percent would be women.

The researcher of the Epichron Group, Immaculate Guerrero, has indicated that "when the mental illness is present, the health system has to have a special alert because it is possible that the treatments do not remain well or adhere to a healthy life habit."And the result, he insisted, "can lead to irreversible physical deterioration."

The relationship between diabetes and mental illness is only one of the research lines of this group, which has long been investigating diabetes and multimorbility of patients who suffer from it.In fact, from the group they insist that diabetes, considered by WHO as the great epidemic of the 21st century, is usually associated with other diseases, especially cardiovascular, and that it is preventable.

In Aragon there are about 120,000 people diagnosed with diabetes and of these 95 percent suffer from multimorbility;That is, they have one or several additional diseases, especially hypertension, obesity and alterations of blood lipids.Although in some cases it has a hereditary component, it is possible to prevent its appearance or, at least, delay it leading a healthy lifestyle, based on a healthy and balanced diet and physical activity.

Improve chronic patient care

Since its foundation, the IACS has focused much of its research towards the improvement in the care of chronic patients.Through different research groups, among which is Epichron or Arihsp -investigation in health policies and services -, contributions to the National Health System have been made, actively participating in the National Network of Research in Health Services in Diseases in Diseases in Diseases in DiseasesChronicles Redissec since its creation in 2013 funded by the ISCIII ' Link

Example of this activity is the presentation of the first population atlas on diabetes that occurred on November 24 in Zaragoza and that puts a tool at the service of professionals and managers to visualize the care of the diabetic patient in the autonomous communities.