These holidays brought us closer to times of fun, healthy sharing with family, time of reunions, emotions ... and many temptations.

Already finished the parties we have to return to our regular routines, with our hearts full of good times and also ... a few kilos that without realizing it.

It is essential to understand that these excesses bring consequences to our weight and, therefore, to our health, and it is vital to take measures as early as possible.

Particularly, diabetes, as well as hypertension and other health situations, are conditions that accompany us day by day after their appearance in our lives, being table companions in these festivities and at the end of them.

And despite all the recommendations and suggestions of our doctors and family, at the time of the party we ignore everything mentioned above and you can easily fall into the system of eating and drinking without control, encouraged by the environment and the situation.This is how, after these days, we have to assume the reality that accompanies us: we continue with diabetes and the holidays ended, now what to do?

We can use some useful and effective strategies, go to action and not only stay in New Year's purposes.

Well, first of all assume your responsibility and cool it;Many people expect the days to pass, hopeful to return everything to normal in a spontaneous way, or perform the actions prior to the celebrations, which can be slowly successful, which can make time last to return to its control, which translates into delay for their general health, since for the patient with diabetes there is no time to lose in terms of metabolic control.

Go to your doctor to be evaluated;Analysis after excesses can show not only their degree of lack of control, but other additional rescue measures should be applied to return faster and effectively to good control.Do not make dose and medication autoage spontaneously in search of rapidly improving unbalanced, without approval of your doctor, that can be very risky and even counterproductive to your health.

Retake or increase exercise, physical activity has no major adverse effects or serious contraindications in most people, and even more so if you have diabetes, being effective when decreasing glycemia, lipid figures, abdominal waist and pressurearterial, in addition to filling us with energy, optimism and vitality.

Evaluate glycemia figures with your outpatient glucometry equipment (glucometer) not only fasting, but also two hours after eating and before sleeping, as well as blood pressure values ​​at different times of the day;These figures will help guide you about the hours of the day you are making more elevation of your glycemia and/or pressure figures, and be able to coordinate with your doctor the actions to be followed according to each case.

Shark out of all possible tempting ones that you still have at home: hallacas, sweets, baked, bread, cream punch, etc.;Withdrawing Christmas decoration, they are useful strategies to return to reins of your health, since they send us a visual signal that the party season is over, and we resume our day to day.

Reorganize your schedules to include compliance with your healthy routines to daily life, end at once with the excuses and laziness that remain frequently after these celebrations.

It is an opportunity for us to see new goals and organize some schedules and actions, within which health care must be, especially maintenance within the adequate ranges of glycemia, cholesterol, triglyceride, blood pressure, weight pressure, weight, weightand abdominal waist.In turn, you can mark in yourAlmanaque the dates of the specific controls to be performed, considering that a patient with diabetes in good general condition and with acceptable control must go to their medical checking every 3 to 4 months, including at least the realization of glycosylated hemoglobin A1C (HBA1C), lipid profile, fasting glycemia and 2 hours postprandial.

The absolute owner of your life and your health is you!Do not allow anyone to delay retake your good path.Do not think that the carnivals are coming soon or that it will be very difficult to take control of your health.It is a matter of determination, self -control and help of your doctor.Do not wait any longer to take action, the moment is today and now.