If during the December season he exceeded the food and also did not follow his medical regime for being diabetic, it is best to visit his doctor.

Edgar Noah Sosa del Ángel, a cardiologist attached to the General Hospital of Zone number 15 of the Mexican Social Security Institute, explained that the excesses at the end of the year parties conjugated with a poorly careful diabetes, accelerate the narrowing and hardening of the arteries.

"This can trigger damage to several vital organs and causes heart disease, vascular stroke, blindness, and even renal insufficiency."

He said that suffering from diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and high cholesterol, diseases that are identified as risk factors for the cardiovascular system, can be prevented or maintained duly controlled.

"A healthy heart, where there is no alteration in its walls, arteries, veins, valves or the conduction system, allows to maintain in the correct state of health the chronic degenerative patients."

For that to happen, prevention actions must be taken into account from an early age and constantly, ”warned the Social Security specialist.

Sosa del Ángel invited the right to make a time

He indicated that a healthy eating conjugated with exercise, lowers blood pressure, blood cholesterol, high glucose and helps control weight.

"In addition, it allows you to relax, decreases tension and a better rest, that is, a new lifestyle, to live more and with better quality."

In this regard, he emphasized that the inclusion of healthy eating habits and the practice of exercise from childhood, prevent heart disease in adulthood.

It should be noted that during 2016, the Hospital of Zone number 15 of the IMSS in Reynosa granted approximately, 1,746 consultation in the Cardiology area.