A scientist at the Autonomous University of Nayarit (UAN) conducts a study to determine the particular relationship between a variant of the Dopamine receiver (DRD2) with alcohol consumption and diabetes development.

The doctor in molecular biology, Alfonso Zepeda Carrillo, conducts research among patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in western Mexico, which present problems to control their way of feeding.

The specialist commented that they study the genetic variant associated with addiction and behavior of compulsive dining rooms, as scientific studies reveal that in the mesolmbic dopaminergic system a gene known as dopamine receiver acts.

According to information from the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), Zepeda Carrillo explained that said gene has a variant that predisposes people towards alcohol addiction, certain types of meals and even drugs.

“Here in the state of Nayarit, more than 60 percent of patients with type 2 diabetes have alcohol consumption history, of which less than 25 percent have a low -risk consumption pattern based on the classification of theWHO, ”he said.He abounded on the study that makes the "impact on the consumption of intoxicants for the development of diabetes and we find individuals who are more susceptible to developing the disease, this is explained based on their genetic structure, which is a reason for our study."

The molecular biologist indicated that after the study of mestizo patients of Tepic with type 2 diabetes, he observed that the frequency of the carrying of the gene is 50 percent, similar with the population that does not have diabetes, with 51 percent.He also said that 63 percent of patients showed chronic alcohol consumption, which has an important effect for the development of said condition.However, he said that there are patients who drink in large quantities and never have diabetes.

The results of Zepeda Carrillo's investigation showed that the average risk of developing type 2 diabetes due to alcohol consumption is five times higher for those who do not drink.

Zepeda Carrillo said that with the identification of the bearers of this genetic variant, the health authorities may make precise therapeutic strategies from the nutritional and pharmacological point of view, to serve patients with chronic disease.