The Retinaplus+ Foundation has launched an audiovisual virtual reality initiative to raise awareness about the importance of preventing diabetes, one of the main causes of blindness in Spain.

This project, framed within the program of activities' 2017.Year of the retina in Spain ', intends to teach primary and secondary schoolchildren what is necessary to follow a healthy diet and perform physical exercise to prevent diabetes.

This exhibition arrives at CaixaForum in Madrid next week after having been in Palma de Mallorca.This is a 3D Rift video projection, a technology that allows visualizing, from within the body, the metabolic processes related to food consumption and the alterations that trigger complications in patients with diabetes, including blindness.

Avoidable blindness

Approximately one million people in Spain have some type of visual disability due to retina diseases, especially due to diabetic retinopathy, DMAE and high myopia.

50 percent of blind people for this disease never went to ophthalmologist and only 20-30 percent of diabetics undergo an annual retinal review to detect visual diseases linked to this disease that can lead to blindness if notIt is treated on time.

Through the initiative 'Look at me and discover the exciting world of sugar and diabetes', from the Retinaplus+ Foundation you want to call attention to the fact that despite the fact that diabetic retinopathy is the first cause of irreversible blindness in working ageInterestingly, it is also an avoidable visual condition if it is possible to detect and treat in time, avoiding serious loss of vision in most cases.

Wide program

This project is formed by an extensive program that includes multiple scientific, training and social awareness actions, through supports and tools available to different users.It will be available in Madrid from February 13 to 18 and will later travel to Valencia, Burgos, Zaragoza, Sevilla, Lleida and La Coruña.

This exhibition highlights the development of the Diabetes Multidisciplinary Platform, the Diabetes Multidisciplinary Platform Management Guide, the Macular Degeneration Program associated with age, the program on Alta Miopía, the program of support for research in organized retina organizedIn collaboration with the Spanish Retina and Vitreous Society (SERV) and the organization of numerous congresses, courses and scientific meetings nationwide about retinal diseases, as well as meetings with patient associations.