Doctors, diabetics and patient associations believe the time to know the precise radiography and the evolution of diabetes in Spain with the latest data in hand.

This has just been raised in a meeting in the Ministry of Health in which they have achieved the commitment to bring together all the actors involved in the state strategy to deal with diabetes in the first half of the year, predictably in April.

And it is that he explains to Andoni Lorenzo, at this time “we do not know the photo, we do not know where we are, if we have more vision problems with patients, or kidney, or if amputations or blinds increase and if the evolution ispositive or negative. ”

Three million are already diagnosed but 2.3 million do not know.

The last update of the National Diabetes Strategy of the National Health System took place in 2012. The data on which they are based on almost 14 percent of the adult population, 5.3 million are diabetic, in Spain.Three million are already diagnosed but 2.3 million do not know, it is 43 percent of the total and detecting it goes through a simple test in the pharmacy by means of a sample of a finger blood.

Not doing so or not following the treatment once detected is to face possible complications.And there are ..... 25,000 people die in Spain every year as a result of diabetes.16 percent of the blindness are also motivated by this pathology that is behind 7 out of 10 amputations in our country.

To combat diabetes, experts recommend a more effective control of obesity starting at the school “Our children are riddled with Malkan food ads and parents really have it difficult not to say impossible, it is a battle that we don't even tie.I think this is the problem we have.Each year, obesity rates are increasing, every year it increases more diabetes and with it every year increases health spending. ”

And it is that according to Lorenzo, the annual sanitary expenditure of the diabetes approach exceeds 5,000 million euros, compared to the 3,000 million that cancer implies

In addition to controlling obesity, reducing the costs for the National Health System happens in the case of diabetes because those affected lead an active life, a healthy eating and take the medication recommended by the doctor, something that only 1 of each one of each2 diabetics.

Who does follow the indications of his doctors and for 36 years is Juan Aracama.About to fulfill the 80s it makes a normal life.Everything with self -control and despite according to Cope, the latest technologies wanted to be implemented at their fingertips “these sensors that are inserted under the skin some endocrine wanted to put it, but no, I did not dare.I am one of the classics, I make my measurements and I inject the insulin that I consider to put myself with medical criteria and so I am throwing. ”

And so it has more than half a life.In his case the main symptom was the intense thirst he suffered on a trip on the way to Alicante with his children.

Other alert reasons are: the need to urinate frequently, experience a constant appetite, sudden loss of weight, extreme tiredness, the fata of interest and concentration, blurred vision or vomiting and stomach pain.

Every year 1,100 new cases are detected in Spain of type 1 diabetes, the least frequent.Most patients suffer from type 2 that affects 9 out of ten diabetics.There are 30,000 children with diabetes in our country.