The Scientific Committee of the Department of Health of Valencia-Doctor Peset, in collaboration with the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Community (Fisabio), has delivered the Awards of the I Call for young researchers and researchersof this Department of Health.

The objective of this call was to recognize and encourage the research activity, especially the youngest staff of the Health Department, with awards for the dissemination of research results in scientific publications or communications to congresses.In total, 41 works have been submitted, of which 6 have been chosen, the Generalitat details in a statement.

In this first edition, research centered on type 2 diabetes has been awarded, the evaluation of surgical techniques in the approach to rectus cancer, the usefulness of concrete image techniques to see the response to treatment in bone metastases, the adaptation of catheterson peritoneal dialysis and the use of certain devices to improve anesthetic management in invasive tests out of operating room.

Specifically, in the modality of publications in scientific journals three awards of 1,000 euros each have been presented.The first one has been for Noelia Díaz, FIS Predoctoral fellow in the Endocrinology and Nutrition Research Unit of the Doctor Peset University Hospital, for her work on the deterioration of the mitochondrial function in patients with type 2 diabetes.

The second prize has been for Irene Escribano, Fisabio Predoctoral fellow in the same Endocrinology and Nutrition Research Unit, for his article on oxidative stress and LEUCITO-EDOTELIUM INTERACTIONS IN PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES.

In this category, Dr. Aleix Martínez, a specialist at the General Surgery and Digestive System of the Doctor Peset University Hospital, has also been awarded, for his work on the pathological results of laparoscopy in front of open surgery in the treatment of rectum cancer.

In addition, three awards of 500 euros each have been awarded for communications presented to congresses (both oral communications and poster).The first prize has been for Dr. David Balaguer, third -year resident of the Nuclear Medicine Service of the Doctor Peset University Hospital, for his poster on the usefulness of bone gammography to assess the response to radio treatment of patients with bone metastasesProstate carcinoma.

The second prize has fallen to Dr. Mercedes González, a fourth year resident of the Nephrology Service of the Doctor Peset University Hospital, for her poster on adaptation of the peritoneal dialysis catheter in patients undergoing this technique.

The work of Dr. María Guerrero, a second -year resident of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Service of the Doctor Peset University Hospital, has also been awarded by her poster on the use of supraglottic devices in transbronchial Creobiopsies.

To choose the winners among the 41 works presented, the Evaluation Commission has taken into account criteria such as the position of the magazine in which the article, the scope of Congress (international, national or regional) and the situation have been publishedof the researcher (resident; optional, nurse or researcher under 30, and optional, nurse or researcher under 40 years).