Alfonso López Alba, endocrinologist the doctor today opens the cycle that the Voice Culture Classroom dedicates to this disease with a conference at the University Services Center.

The Avilés' Voice Culture Classroom, coordinated by Armando Arias and sponsored by Cofés Toscaf, begins today Monday, February 6, a new monographic cycle.On this occasion, three health professionals will address diabetes from different angles, in a proposal organized with the collaboration of the Association of Diabetics of Asturias.The appointment is at the University Services Center from 8 pm.

What does diabetes represent?

It is one of the big problems of our time.In Mexico, which is one of the most populated cities in the world, it is the main cause of death.We talk about a population of 382 million diabetics worldwide.It generates numerous complications that are avoidable because diabetes is a disease that can be treated.In the last 20 years, there has been a paradigmatic change in diabetes, although it is less known, and there is a way to avoid all associated complications.Despite the important research expense today 45% of cancer patients die, if there were more resources for diabetes, many of these complications would be avoided.

In the case of the Aviles region, what sick population do we talk about?

The Atlas prepared by the Ministry of Health points out that 10% of the Asturian population is diabetic.It is estimated that 13.8% of those over 18 are diabetic and, in those over 25, 25% is exceeded.This would give us a population of 17,000 people for the health area III.

He states that one in five euros of health spending is generated by diabetes.

It is a study of fifteen years ago.It generates more expense than other diseases that, so to speak, are reference for society, such as cancer.It is the main cause of blindness in over 18 and amputations, but expenses are computed to other pathologies.

The problem is that it is a drip?

Yes. In Spain there are five million diabetics.Sometimes you find a person who tells you that it is a bit diabetic, but that cannot be: it is or is not diabetic.It generates many expenses that, added, cause that large volume.The patient has to deduct it and live it positively.Well controlled does not affect the quality of life.

Where is the diabetes problem?

It is a disease of metabolism, painless.A person can be diabetic for ten or fifteen years and only discover it when he suffers a coronary problem or a journalental disease, of which it is the first cause.

How to break that silence, how to suspect a diabetes?

The classical clinic set symptoms such as thirst, urinating a lot, eating and thinning.But the classic triad is not valid in the early stages of the disease.With a determination of capillary glucose, which costs 50 cents, we can know.

Who does the test advise?

To a person with a history of first -degree relatives, hypotension, a sedentary life, who gains weight, does not eat vegetables or fruit should test.In Finland, a test was developed (the Find Risk) that can give a very valid indication to do the test or not.

How to act in case the test is positive?

Logically, go to the family doctor.He will begin the diagnostic process and set the strategy.If you are in an initial phase, simple changes in life styles are enough to control the disease.I advocate more and more careful treatments, adapt them to each person.

Is it possible to prevent it?

Diabetes is the disease of a hunting and collecting species, accustomed to hunger periods and feeding with abundance.You have to feed and exercise in an appropriate way to our age and circumstances of each person.A healthy life is necessary, but advice must adapt to personal circumstances.