Communication between parents and school must begin after the diagnosis of the child, as it facilitates its adaptation to diabetes.

When parents leave their children with the teacher, they are very likely to give them a summary of their eating and allergies.The same must happen with parents whose son has type 1 diabetes, which is the most frequent type of diabetes in children and adolescents.Although these boys can do any activity, to stay healthy they need to carry a thorough insulin surveillance and food intake in order to control blood glucose, which is measured through blood samples.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, which is manifested by high blood glucose levels that are due to a total or almost total deficit of insulin production and that requires thorough control so that it does not develop complications.Therefore, the exogenous administration of insulin is required, through injections.

Dr. Sara Brito, head of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of the Military Hospital Doctor "Carlos Arvelo", explained that such condition is one of the most frequent diseases in childhood and adolescence.He stressed that the first thing the teacher should know about diabetes is that this pathology if it has good control does not affect the intellectual abilities, learning or acquisition of student skills at all.

He pointed out that it is necessary for teachers to know the most important aspects of the disease and treatment because the child may need help, especially if it presents specific events.

"The communication of the parents with the school must begin after the diagnosis because it facilitates the adaptation of the young diabetic in their school environment," he said.

Insulin Administration

The specialist commented that it would be useful for a teacher to know how to administer insulin in infants, which must be injected subcutaneously (this involves the tissue that is immediately below the skin).The treatment represents four or five daily doses, one or two doses of basal insulin or slow action of fast action, before each meal.

In the case of insulin analogues, Brito explained that their use is much more comfortable because it uses special devices in the form of “pens”, which use thinner needles, which do not need refrigeration after starting their use for a certain period of timeThat is, "there is no product manipulation by the child because insulin comes in preloaded cartridges and generally the device is disposable."

How is children's type 1 diabetes about?

Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin, which can be human or the most recent insulin analogues that confer both effectiveness as a lower risk of hypoglycemia.Pharmacological treatment is associated with an individualized nutritional guide plus a physical activity plan.

What does a teacher need to know about diabetes?

The teacher must have: general knowledge of the disease;knowing how to recognize the symptoms of acute complications that patients can present such as diabetic ketoacidosis;Know forms of treatment and complications associated with the use of insulin, which can produce hypoglycemia, as well as knowing how to treat it in case it appears.