I wanted to wait a few days to write about what happened in the Ded.I did it as a strategy waiting for the "foam" of the emotional to rest and allow me to be a bit more accurate in the expression of my point of view.

Naive of me!8 days have passed and the foam has dropped less than expected.I still continue with that bobalicone smile that provides having lived a spectacular experience.

Throughout this week, I have quite frequently surprised distracted with phrases from that brutal day.They come to me from people I greeted, others with whom I wanted to hug, intelligent comments from many of the speakers.From now on I declare myself guilty because I plan to use them ... always mentioning the source to where I know it.

It may sound topical but just as preparing my intervention taught me a lot, so did the sharing with Daría Roca and 50 adolescents two frankly intense hours.

As you can see they are very brilliant and spectacular lights.Almost artificial fireworks.Not only for the impact of sharing with hundreds of people what it means to live with diabetes, but also because it gave me the opportunity to feel fully alive and open to ... whatever comes.And all that in a spectacular and very professionally prepared framing.As a rapporteur I felt spoiled, careful, dear.As an integrated assistant, giving and receiving love, complicity ... What am I going to tell you if we saw each other there!

I also feel obliged to mention some shadow but, believe me, I do it "non -profit", being aware that it is a very personal opinion, but with eagerness to help.

The first shadow is about the presence of the pharmaceutical industry.I believe it indispensable because, as a user I am interested in knowing everything that can give me and I think that they should not only show it to the toilets, but also to us to avoid the illustrated sanitary despotism: everything for the patient but without the patient.

However, excess is not good either.It is like salt: in its right measure it gives flavor to the stew, but an excess can spoil it and I think that, on this occasion, the limit was reached.A little more and ...

The other aspect that I did not understand very well was that of the non -presence of the Fede as an institution (other years were).There were 1500 people grouped around diabetes.Personally (although perhaps there) I don't know any other initiative of this nature capable of so much.

As Peino Canas already, I think it must be the result of disagreements between the organizers and our official representatives.But, possibly from my naivety, I expected that in this country we would have learned from similar experiences.How much more strength would have had the event and how much more media projection if those who bring us together in the Federation would have attended!I think that, in these situations, what does not add, subtracts.

Anyway, I do not want those little clouds to shave how great the experience of my dedication.Of course I am attentive for Angel Ramirez to put Dec 2018 to aim at me (it is not going to be without entry).There we will see those who want ... and can.