According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey of Half Camino 2016, of the total adult population in Mexico, 6.4 million people reported having a diagnosis of diabetes by a doctor, a figure that is divided into 2.84 million men and3.56 million women.

In this regard, Dr. Rubén Román Ramos, professor-investigator at the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Iztapalapa Unit (UAM-I), points out that the female population registers greater expense and obesity index which is one of the main detonants that lead to diabetesType II Mellitus.

He also highlighted the psychological aspect is a predominant factor, since women are exposed to higher levels of stress, tension, anxiety and depression that increase the secretion of hormones such as adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol, which increase the concentration of glucose (sugar sugar) In blood.

During the clutch, explained the academic of Division of Biological and Health Sciences of the UAM-I, hormones cause insulin resistance and generate what is known as gestational diabetes, a condition that often disappears with the birth of the baby, but those who get to suffer from it have 30 to 70 percent to then present type II diabetes.

According to information from the National Institute of Perinatology (INPER) “Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes”, one in ten pregnant Mexicans will develop this condition.The risk rises to 45 percent if the future mother has obesity, more than 35 years of age and/or family history of the disease.

Dr. Román Ramos warned that women are more likely to suffer from diabetes mellitus for situations of social disadvantage, characterized by few development opportunities in social, economic and cultural areas.

“Although the woman has gained land in various aspects, gender differences have prevailed at the least participation in work, low salaries or economic dependence, which also involves the presence of diabetes mellitus due to the neurosis of anxiety caused by this inequality”, Said the expert.

Can menopause affect? ​​

Weight increase is one of the most notable effects on menopausal women, as well as the change in fat distribution, which in previous stages of life was stored in the hips now accumulates more easily at the waist and abdomen,It favors greater insulin resistance.

This is explained by Dr. Graciela Alexanderson Rosas, a member of the Latin American Association of Diabetes (ALAD), who adds that around 40 years of age women go through a period in which they conclude their reproductive life, which is generally characterized by the fact thatThe ovaries stop producing estrogen hormones and progesterone.

As there is less progesterone in the body, sensitivity to insulin increases, which facilitates the body's cells to capture the glucose that the body produces.On the contrary, by decreasing estrogens, insulin resistance grows, which prevents cells from nourishing and raises blood sugar rates.

Therefore, social, economic, physical and genetic factors raise the possibilities that women develop diabetes throughout their lives, to which it only remains to limit preventive measures available to hand, mainly taking care not to gain weight.