The company works with comprehensive care and an algorithm that collects patient information, to provide personalized monitoring and attention and represents a 60% savings with respect to other options.

Mexico occupies the 6th world place in number of people with type 2 diabetes, according to the International Diabetes Federation.According to the National Survey of Health and Nutrition (Ensenut) in Mexico there are more than 10 million people living with this disease.

Given this problem, the engineer Antonio Alfeirán created a model of care for diabetes called Take care, which is based on a mathematical algorithm, medical advice and comprehensive care for consultation, which translates into savings of time and money.

"What we do is that we realized that access to specialized diabetes care is very difficult and on the other hand the measurement that exists and the options are not necessarily aligned or adhered to the treatment that is required, and are not personalized"Said the founder of the company to El Financiero.

Take care of yourself has two clinics in Mexico City in which it offers comprehensive care, with the intention that the patient should not move to other places to complete their treatment.On a single visit, the patient has access to laboratory service, consult with a nutritionist, consult with the doctor, counseling and offer of drugs in pharmacy.

"In a city like this to move it is always very complicated, we try to make the patient's life easier and more comfortable, to come and can return home with everything," he said.

But the appeal of taking care of yourself is the personalized attention it offers.Through its algortimo, which according to Alfeiran has an effectiveness of 98%, all patient information is collected, so that treatment and care is personalized.

Subsequently, and with the information in the database, the patient can consult or resolve doubts directly with doctors, through a chat or telephone line, to receive advice adhered to their needs.

Antonio Alferan said that in Mexico a person with type 2 diabetes disbursof direct savings to your pocket.

“The remote platform is to solve doubts, we support the patient to improve their adhesion and have who to ask directly and do not get into Google.We have access to your information, to your own file, and we give them attention they need, not the information in general, ”he said.

Clinics take care of a branch in Querétaro in April and carries out an expansion plan underpinned with two risk capital funds to open 78 branches.They currently serve about 1,500 patients, and intend to give attention to 70 thousand annually.