In the next meeting of the Liga Dia in Maloste, this Saturday against the Campus promises, the Lointek Gernika Bizkaia will again collaborate with an entity for a good cause, in this case zero diabetes, a movement of parents of children with diabetes that fight forThe investigation.

The diabetescero campaign (DT0) is already underway in its Bizkaia delegation related to the basketball.For those who do not know this is a movement of parents of children with type 1 diabetes and adults, whose objective is the monitoring and financing of a real and lasting investigation.

Diabetescero (DT0) believes in scientists and their work so that these children with diabetes can live a full life.To advance in research, money needs to be raised.Diabetescero (DT0) has had a magnificent initiative related to basketball and how could it be otherwise the Gernika Kesb wants to support it.

- Purchase of coupon for the raffle of a signed ball and t -shirts signed by the captains of Lainink Gernika Bizkaia, Retabet Bilbao Basket and Bidaideak Bilbao Bsr.They can be acquired in Maloste during the clash between the Laintek and the promise.

- Purchase of products from the solidarity store that in this case can also be purchased on Saturday at the stand that Diabetescero (DT0) will put in Maloste during the meeting of the League Dia.

- Donations can also be made to the next diabetescero account (DT0) Bizkaia.Caixabank: 2100 4125 4322 0020 7263