From March 23 to 25 the XXX National Diabetes Congress will be held

The Mexican Federation of Diabetes, A.C.(FMD), together with the Medix pharmaceutical company, join efforts in order to boost education before the epidemic that is lived in Mexico in terms of diabetes, obesity and overweight.To do this, the FMD will carry out its XXX National Congress from March 23 to 25, 2018 at the World Trade Center in Mexico City, opening doors to FMD congressmen to meet with national and international specialists, who throughTheir presentations and presentations will share the main advances around this condition.

For its part, Medix, a Mexican pharmaceutical company with more than 60 years, joins this commemoration with comprehensive solutions for overweight and obesity and its main associated conditions, being a fundamental part in continuous medical education before epidemics.

In Mexico, the situation forced the federal government to issue an epidemiological emergency declaration, the EE-4-2016, which will seek to slow the increase in the number of cases of diabetes and then decrease it.

“Diabetes is a life condition whose incidence has been increasing throughout the country.Therefore, it is very important to form alliances between society, government, industry, civil organizations and health professionals to make a joint effort that helps stop the appearance of new cases and promote good control based on diabetes education ”, said CP Juan José Irazábal Lujambio, President of the Board of Directors of the Mexican Federation of Diabetes, A.C.

This "epidemic" approach, which was previously linked to high -range infectious processes with a rapid multiplication, and that endangered the life of the population, is the first time it is related to themes of the endocrinological area.So much so that the same institution determines that this denomination is correct because it meets the description and impact to the population.

Dr. Jorge Antonio Aldrete Velasco, specialist in internal medicine with experience in clinical research, former vice president of the College of Internal Medicine of Mexico ensures that obesity is a fundamental factor in modifying the predisposition to develop type 2 diabetes. “The responsibility is ofAll actors in society: doctors, patients, families, including the work and social environment.It is a great opportunity for people who live with diabetes because the condition ceases to be a risk if we understand it better and we all get involved to control it, ”said Dr. Velasco.

“Today education has taken great relevance for the self -control of diabetes, since it is not enough to provide information, but we must give the patient the necessary tools so that it can make informed decisions.Hence the importance of the XXX National Congress of Diabetes, a unique meeting where information and education are provided about everything related to diabetes, as well as specialist advice.It is the only Congress with a scientific program for health professionals, and an exclusive educational program for patients and their relatives, ”explained Dr. Christian Adonay Lugo Rodríguez, academic manager of the Mexican Diabetes Federation.

For his part, Dr. Leonardo Alberto Martínez Rodríguez, internist with subspecialist in Gastroenterology and with a high specialty in advanced digestive endoscopy by the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán, established a strong connection between the problems of overall fatty liver, overweight,Obesity, type 2 diabetes and vitamin D. “Fat liver is very associated with overweight, obesity and diabetes.Occurs when fat accumulates in liver cells and canevolve to serious and even irreversible stages such as inflammation, fibrosis or cirrhosis, ”says Dr. Leonardo Martínez.

The PNPLA3 gene is significantly associated with non -alcoholic fatty liver in the Mexican population, “in fact - said Dr. Martínez -“ a study conducted at the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán revealed that Mexicans are genetically susceptible to the liverfatty and the complications of your clinical spectrum. ”