If you are fighting for desire for certain foods, you may need to know the meaning of cravings.It is not the same to have cravings for sweet meals than for salty foods.There are numerous factors that make us lean towards a specific type of food.
There are people who think that the desire for certain foods comes from the need of the body of some specific nutrient.But there are also studies that determine emotional causes as risk factors for eating disorders.
the meaning of sweet cravings
This type of desire for sweet foods is very frequent and can occur for several reasons.The main physiological cause is the need for fast energy.If your normal diet does not provide you with enough energy, or you have slept badly, or you have a time of a lot of work, your body will ask for sugar foods that give you fast consumption energy.
This mechanism is harmful in the long term, because when we eat refined sugar there is a peak of energy that then lowers dramatically and produces the need for another sugar "chute".To avoid this, we must eat more comprehensive foods that have fiber and provide us with an energy maintained over time.You can try dehydrated fruits, dates or raisins.You can also replace white sugar with honey, agave syrup, molasses ... which in addition to being sweet have a low glycemic index and will allow you to have constant energy without stressing the pancreas.
On an emotional level, we usually have cravings for sweet foods when we feel alone or need love.The meaning in this case is the need to put sweetness to your life.You may be a hard time and need support and affection.Sugar causes the brain to secrete serotonin, a substance that regulates our mood.
You can get the same effect with food such as nuts, bananas and almonds.Also sport and sunbathe, stimulate serotonin.On the other hand, remember happy moments, think positive and take care of yourself, produce the same effect.For this, it is best to do a job to reinforce your self -esteem and that you can give yourself what you need in these moments of emotional crisis, which is nothing other than learn to be with you and take care of yourself.
At a mental level, many people have recorded from childhood the consumption of sweet as a reward.If this is your case, it is possible that you automatically have cravings after having achieved something important as a way to reward for your good behavior.This is easy to change with mental programming techniques such as NLP, which activate different responses to the same event.
You can also make a list of awards and rewards that have nothing to do with food and consult it every time you need to reward.Giving you a massage, going to the hairdressing, inviting you to the movies or taking a walk through a beautiful park can be great resources that will allow you to take care of yourself without falling into sweet cravings.

the meaning of salty cravings
Antojo for fried potatoes, sausages and snacks?At a physical level this type of cravings can mean a lack of minerals in your body.The bad thing is that the refined salt we use in this type of products normally loses much of its minerals.To avoid this, we can consume foods such as algae, pumpkin seeds, legumes, or failing that, choose marine salt without refine as the salt of the Himalayas.
Another reason why we need to increase salt is due to lack of water.If you do not hydrate well and do not drink enough water, your body will ask for salt to be able to retain liquids in your body.If this is your case, take a glass of water when you are craving and wait 15 minutes.If the craving disappears, you know whatYou need to do: drink water.Interestingly it is the best remedy for fluid retention.
Emotional, it can mean the need to put joy to your life.If you are bored, discouraged or sad, it is possible that salt food stores to enjoy life.In my land, Andalusia, when a person is cheerful and fun, he says he has "salt shaker."So to avoid falling into cravings of this type, you can put your focus on spending more time doing things that return to you.
On a mental level and as in the case of sugar, you may have salty foods with those happy rats with friends drinking a beer with fried potatoes.Remember that happiness is in the company, not in the appetizer !!

the meaning of the greasy cravings
In this case, cravings are usually for meals with saturated fats such as pizzas, cheese or hamburgers.This may indicate at the physical level the need for essential fatty acids.And this is important because when we get on diet we usually ban fat foods.Well take note because essential fatty acids can help you lose weight.The best quality come from avocado, nuts and seeds.You can also choose fish such as salmon, if possible wild and not fish farm.
On an emotional level, it can mean the need to protect yourself in a difficult situation.Fat covers you and can be a way of dealing with unpleasant emotions.The bad thing is that in the long term, if we do not learn to manage these emotions, we will cover ourselves with a fat coat that will prevent us from seeing and being seen.
All emotions, both pleasant and unpleasant, have a message for you.This message is positive and if you discover what it is, you will no longer need to anesthetize so as not to feel.Instead, you will understand your states and meet you to be able to choose more freedom what are the things you need to feel good.