For years, because they are a taboo subject, doctors have delayed the use of insulin in people with diabetes, but this substance can and should be administered in the early stages of treatment, when the patient has high levels of glucosilated hemoglobin that fails to control withoral medications.

It has been proven that the use of insulin in the early stages of diabetes, far from being harmful, saves organs and helps to improve the person.

This was stated by Dr. Miguel Ángel Arreola Pereyra, who offered two conferences in the final day, yesterday, of the Third Meeting of Administrative Experts in Diabetes, which began on Friday.The specialist also approached the attention of diabetes in Mexico and the therapy options.

He recalled that in the country the most can be delayed the use of insulins, because it is still a taboo issue among patients, who think that their administration will cause them damage;But it shouldn't be among doctors.

72.4 percent of patients are treated with oral medications and only 6%, with insulin.


The treatment must be personalized and, before prescribing a drug, the pathophysiology, power, reactions, benefits and practicality of the medication should be taken into account.

Before the disease occurs there is a period in which the risk of suffering is detectable and there is a “point of return”: its appearance can be prevented by changes in diet and exercise practice.

But when blood glucose levels are already very high there is nothing that can be done more than following a pharmacological therapy.

The meeting was an initiative of the Laboratories Novo Nordisk Mexico.