It will promote laws that guarantee the treatment of patients.

In Coahuila there are the necessary resources to guarantee the supply of medicines to people with diabetes and hypertension, which is why we will work to ensure that health institutions provide them, otherwise they are bought from patients, said the alliance candidateCitizen to the local council for district 5, Rosa Nilda González Noriega.

During her tour of different colonies in the district, the candidate has encountered cases of people suffering from any of these diseases and are not receiving the necessary treatment because medical institutions do not provide it, nor do they have enough resources to buy them.

González Noriega commented that unfortunately the carelessness of health authorities has caused people with these diseases not to receive the treatment or attention they need.

He assured that it is a matter of bad management of resources, since there are the necessary funds to guarantee people the treatment they need and may have a dignified life.

He said that from the State Congress will promote laws that allow guaranteeing the supply of medicines and care for the patients with these conditions, which is why it will lower the necessary resources to happen.

"We are going to work to lower the necessary resources to achieve this benefit to patients with this disease, but above all we will monitor that medications are used for those who really need it," said the applicant.

Similarly, the candidate of the National Action Party (PAN), Democratic Unit of Coahuila (UDC), Social Meeting and First Party Coahuila (PPC) said that arriving at the State Congress will work to get this and other health benefits forPeople who need it most.