The celebration of the XII Management Forum on Diabetes, on April 26 and 27, will have as its central axis the treatment and prevention of diabetes in an environment increasingly dominated by the Ehealth.The celebration of this forum will have two scenarios, the European University of Madrid (Villaviciosa de Odón Campus) and the NH Hotel sales of the capital.

The meeting, organized by the ABBOTT company, will bring together prestigious experts who will discuss the different aspects with which information and communications technologies (ICT) impact the treatment of diabetes, which already affects more than 400 million peopleworldwide, according to WHO, and 14% of Spaniards.This disease grows especially in emerging countries due, to a large extent, to the pandemic of obesity.

"The great advantage of the EHEALTH is that it transcends all barriers and allows to be training health professionals in Latin America or Taiwan from Spain," reasonThe Spanish University, first online in the world, with that of scientist at the Qatar Foundation where it works to apply mobile and wearable technology in diabetes and obesity.

“We have to be very careful with the quality of mobile applications and information on the Internet.There are many false and malicious contents, from natural priests for any disease to applications that do not protect patient information. ”

ESALUD can help prevent and handle diabetes

Fernandez Luque will participate in the forum on April 27, at 09h30 with a presentation entitled “Big Data/Real World Data”.“Healthy life habits are key, and these change country in country and culture in culture.In this context, it is very important that, in its training, the health professional takes this diversity into account.Fortunately, in the UOC we have students from many countries, which allows usFernández Luque.

The objective of the Dr. and Professor's presentation is to highlight how the ESALUD can help prevent and manage the health of diabetes affected, “although special emphasis will be placed on the need to study the risks for patients, from securityto privacy or even ethical issues.If digital health is not well applied, it can damage confidence between patients and professionals, or increase health disparities, ”he warns.

"If on the one hand we have overcome the barriers of space and time and we can communicate instantly, on the other it is our duty to fight who use the same tools to disseminConcerned about the progress of large technology companies in the field of health, "with all the change in the consumption and self-care guidelines that this can have in worse informed patients."

“We know that physical activity plays a very important role in controlling diabetes and to treat obesity.However, in many cases the lack of physical activity is due to the poor sleep quality.In Qatar we are using Deep Learning to study the interrelation between sleep and physical activity, ”explains Fernández Luque.

The teacher insists on the need for search engines to commit to “promote health quality information, because they do not stop having the monopoly in online searches and that exposes millions of users to access to scientifically unfounded and dangerous information for information foryour health. "

Avoid propagationViral of these false information is a mission in which Fernández Luque has been involved for a long time

Avoid viral propagation of these false information is a mission in which Fernández Luque has, in fact, a long time involved.“When the Ebola crisis exploded in 2014, I contacted one of the highest authorities in misinformation about vaccines, researcher Heidi Larson.Beside him, we worked under the mandate of the European Commission to combat misinformation about vaccines in Sierra Leone while trying to massively vaccinate the population of remote areas of African countries to stop the epidemic. ”

For this work, Fernández Luque did not have to travel."Everything was remotely, monitoring the press throughout Western Africa, so that we fought misinformation with their same weapons, ICT, which allowed us to give immediate and effective answers with maximum speed."

the UOC, first 100% digital university in the world

Founded in 1994 in Barcelona, ​​the UOC is the first 100% university online worldwide with 18 years of presence in Madrid through its headquarters in Plaza de las Cortes.Likewise, the UOC is the EU Reference University in terms of R&DYou must move and with all the advantages that this will be for those people with problems to reconcile with reduced mobility.

"It is a great honor to have a presence in the XII Gerendia forum through a teacher and researcher as brilliant as Luis Fernández Luque, whose activity inside and outside our university represents our values ​​of social improvement through technological progress," explains JorgeBronet Campos, territorial delegate of the UOC in the Community of Madrid.

The Ehealth Center of this university, is an academic center open to the world whose objective, in Bronet's words, is "to train and empower citizen and professionals through technologies to lead the change in health paradigm."This structure focuses on the health and well -being of society and develops elements of progress in research, training and advice.