Almost a month after having started the campaign, Cecilia Patron, candidate for federal deputy for District 3 of the Coalition for Mexico to the Front (PAN-MC-PRD) indicated that she has detected and received numerous reports on the obesity and diabetes indicesthat he has found in his path.

"It is really worrying not only to see that much of our neighbors in all the directions of Mérida register obesity, but many also have diabetes and that worries me a lot," said the candidate.

He said that he has detected a large number of people suffering from diabetes who even lost their eyes or have amputated some limb, which indicates that in addition to promoting good feeding habits, it is urgent to legislate in this regard.

“I have investigated a little and only the city of Mérida records indices higher than the national average and the state index, that is, the prevalence in Mexico and in the state is 9.2 cases per 100habitants, but in this city it is 10.2cases.

"In Mérida, while 13.1 men have diabetes, in the state the figure is reduced to 7.3 and in the country the average is 8.6, a figure that should alarm us all," he added.

The legislator candidate said that in the Health Law there are efforts to instill better eating habits in minors mainly, but the indices that we have today indicate that little has been achieved in this regard and urges to take greater measures to return health to peoplethat suffer or that must prevent it.

"We have verified, for example, the case of José Millán (San José Tecoco II), who lost a leg for not attending to time and not applying the care he required," said Cecilia, who added that cases often occur frequently due to lack of lack ofinformation.

He recalled that in many of the cases he has seen in his path, he has recommended the free services of the Municipal Center for Nutritional Care and Diabetes (Cemanud) where comprehensive care is provided to patients with suffering, who suspect or those who wish to avoid it.