The Endocrinologist Malagueña Marta Domínguez participates in the prestigious Congress of the American Diabetes Society as a link with her Spanish companions.

- What will be your mission in the Congress of the American Society of Diabetes?

–I have come to the Congress of the ADA (American Diabetes Association) as a review in the 'KeyPoints Congress Review' project of the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED).In this regard, my task is to elaborate and retransmit daily summaries with the most interesting contents of Congress, emphasizing the key points treated in it (hence the word "Keypoints") to somehow make this congress, which is an authenticWorld event in the field of endocrinology, accessible to all fellow endocrinologists in Spain.The videos are available every day to be viewed in the app application for "keypoints" mobile devices and on the thirst website.

- Why do you think has been chosen to participate representing Spain in that scientific event?

–The choice for this project is competitive, that is, there is a contest for the selection of the reviewers after sending “Curriculum Vitae” and a selection committee is what defines the people who participate.It is an essential requirement, obviously, to have extensive experience in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and be visible within the work groups and expert panels that thirst has to work and investigate in the field of this pathology.

- What research do you develop in the field of diabetes?

- Within the diabetes mellitus my work focuses particularly on type 1, which is the one that appears abruptly in younger people and in which the pancreas stops producing insulin already for life, assuming a metabolic disorder that demandsstrict control and that conditions the quality and amount of life of patients if it is not rigorously and intensive.In this field I work at the Regional Hospital of Malaga EplaceThat we have extensive experience in the treatment with insulin pumps, continuous realization sensors of real glycemia, "smart" glucometers and integration of telemedicine in the follow -up of these patients, to say the most significant.

- Why has such an important increase in diabetic patients occur?

–Indudably the growing problem involved in overweight in our society is the main cause of the increase in the prevalence of diabetes, specifically of type 2, which is increasingly present in youngAuthentic scourge in the 21st century in Western societies and in clear relationship with lifestyles.In type II diabetes mellitus the pancreas does retain the ability to produce insulin, but this is not effective in performing its blood glucose control effect due to the resistance to its effect caused by obesity;When weight loss is achieved, most patients with type II DM in the initial stages of the disease can improve and even normalize blood sugar levels.

- How can the advance of that metabolic disorder be stopped?I refer especially to adult diabetes or type 2.

- The fundamental thing, starting with the base, is to give adequate nutritional education to children to promote a healthy Mediterranean diet and prevent obesity.I insist that without obesity the type II would have a marginal prevalence in our society.In this sense, promoting physical activity daily would also play a key role.Prevention and early detection with the development of “screening” programs and early diagnosis from Primary Care.

- From your point of view, what is the situation of diabetes in Malaga?

–The epidemiological situation of the DM in Malaga is encrypted, according to national surveys and as stated in the Comprehensive Diabetes Plan of Andalusia, around 13% of the population, not including a potential percentage not negligible of patients who have diabetesand have not been diagnosed.As you understand, we are facing a first -order health problem.

- Is there enough means in public health to deal with that pathology, which grows more and more?

Public health attempts to respond to this growing prevalence.The role of primary care doctors for diagnosis and early treatment is essential;At the level of specialized assistance, in endocrinology services, we have specific and dedicated consultations in a thematic way to respond to concrete problems such as “debut of type I diabetes”, “diabetes and gestation”, “diabetes and transplant”,"Insulin bombs" ... If any level is a priority in medicine, coordination between primary and specialized care levels is, of course, in prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus.

- Are Spanish investigated in the area of ​​metabolic disorders?

-Yeah.In Spain there are very powerful research groups, with lines of research in obesity, diabetes, new technologies, ... which are very well considered and internationally positioned.Congresses such as the ADA and other meeting points are important for the sharing findings and getting greater advances.