Vladimir Kokorev's prison health, the Spanish nationalized elder who together with his wife and son adds 21 months of preventive detention - allegedly accused of being Testeferro de Teodoro Obiang - has reached a critical point.Diabetes has been detected, often suffers from fainting due to its physical and psychological wear, and has lost mobility in one leg.

In a manuscript to which ‘the financial world’ has had access, Kokorev ensures that it is impossible for your health status to improve due to the amount of medicines you need to take every day to avoid a fatal relapse.In recent weeks, their circulation problems have been aggravated, and the pains in the left leg have multiplied until they lose mobility every few days: “I try to walk by limping everything I can for the blood to circulate but there is a time when a time comes whenI can't take it anymore and go to bed, ”he says in the letter.

The old prisoner in the Canary Islands, who suffers from diabetes (“At the moment they treat me with pills, without clicking”) confesses his state of ‘physical helplessness’: “I have no physical or cognitive capacity to thoroughly study the 40,000 folios of the summary.I need the help of my son [Igor, a young lawyer with studies in Icade, Yale, Harvard and Georgetown].I can hardly read.I look at my view after about 20-30 minutes of reading.Headaches begin, my chest hurts, I lack air and if I try to make an effort I faint ”

Kokorev remembers his sufferings before entering the prison of Juan Grande: "I was without urinating for more than a week before being intervened as a prostate (...) I had to be resuscitated for a week", in which the UDYCO inspectorIn the Canary Islands, Francisco Herrera Zapata, refers as "a slight intervention."In fact, Kokorev emphasizes that this is the agent known as "The friend Paco" for the witness who led the businessman to prison: Ismael Gerli, his former lawyer charged and investigated today by numerous crimes in Panama (falsification of documents, fraud, aggravated scam, among others), and to which justice already applies precautionary control measures.

To the new conditions that he recounts in the brief, we must add those that occur in jail (dizziness, cold sweats, occasional losses of consciousness), and the situation of Vladimir Kokorev of low medical leave dueYears I had a heart attack, shortly before my arrest I had several strokes, my tension in jail rarely low from 180/110 (...) I take nitroglycerin when I feel heart -related pains. ”

Who will dedicate himself to the maritime transport of passengers and merchandise in the Gulf of Guinea wonders if they intend to produce irremediable physical pains with the aim of obtaining a confession, which he calls “operation fear” or “operation operation”.

“According to reports from the Canarian Police, none of the 7 properties and garages and storage rooms in different cities in Spain attributed to President Obiang are related to the transfers received from the General Treasury of the State of Equatorial Guinea by the Kalunga company”, This being the company of object of an investigation that has been extended for more than a decade after being filed by the Anti -Corruption Prosecutor's Office up to twice.

'The financial world' has known in the family's environment, based for more than two decades in Madrid and Las Palmas, which Vladimir permanently comments in prison with other inmates his fear of having an obstruction in the coronary arteries with the result of angina or angina orInfarto, a risk that multiplies in patients with diabetes or hypertension.

The businessman (together with his wife Julia and his son Igor) must give a statement on Monday 12 before the Judge of the Instruction No. 5 of Las Palmas, Ana Isabelof Vega, and the prosecutor Luis del Río.The denunciation of its humanitarian situation in captivity, in parallel, is on its way to European institutions.