One Drop expands subscription functions and programs to provide more accessible care to diabetics worldwide.

The company presents new integration of Amazon Alexa and improved accessibility functions, presents two new specialized One Drop programs |Experts, welcomed Nicole Johnson Drph, MPH, ma at his advisor Board, and announces the results of a study in scientific sessions, 77a edition.of the ada.

One Drop today announced an important expansion of its accessibility and institutional programming functions that includes integration with Amazon Alexa voice technology.

The new Alexa of One Drop interface collaborates with diabetic people to control blood glucose, food and physical activity, and provide access by voice command to all your diabetes data.

This innovation opens the world of diabetes care focused on data to people with visual or physical disabilities, and provides the award -winning technology of One Drop and the renowned education services* and training of the American Diabetes Association (American Diabetes Association)Evidence based on more diabetics worldwide.

One Drop also announced the launch of two specialized diabetes education, One Drop education |Experts - "Overcoming Diabetes Burnout" ("overcoming the tiredness of diabetes") and "Advanced Carc counting" (advanced carbohydrate counting ") - for their education service* and training on diabetes One Drop |Experts, recognized by the ADA.Both reaffirm the commitment of One Drop to provide the most advanced in education and treatment of diabetes to all people who have diabetes and a smartphone.