The documentary 'My sweet life with diabetes', Dereojo Producciones work for the RTV Castilla y León, has won the third edition of the Viamed health and quality of life by distinguishing itself by its preventive message.

'My sweet life with diabetes' is Daniel Pascual's first documentary (address and script) and Raúl Gago (image) and has won a prize of 2,000 euros after being selected among the 104 works presented by the jury, composed of two journalists andTwo doctors.

Pascual and Gago are two autonomous "avocado to self -employment" after, in the case of Pascual, he closed the '20 minutes' edition in which he had been working for four years.His experience as a television manager led him to decide to set up the producer.

His work in this documentary has been "team" for whom he has been after the goal.For both of them, the first in documentary format."Our goal was to talk about the quality of life," he said while telling how Castilla y León television commissioned them a "positive" approach to the disease.

The works received in this III edition come from local, regional and national media, as well as specific and specialized publications in health issues.

They respond not only to the different journalistic genres (news, interviews, reports), but also to the different supports with which journalism works at this time: printed, audiovisual and digital media.In all cases, the jury has coincided with the high quality of the aforementioned works.

The jury wanted the record of the high level of the works presented and the title of the other three who reached this end: "How do the ones who live the most live?", Of Andrés Masa, published in the magazine Quo;"The lifestyle should not penalize the attention", by Laura G. Ibáñez, published in Journal of a Medical.

According to the jury's criteria, the winning report 'My sweet life with diabetes', speaks of this disease in a didactic and positive way by influencing the need to acquire healthy habits, both to maintain the quality of life of the patients, and to prevent it andOther diseases.

From the medical point of view, the jury positively values ​​the preventive message of the report, which insists on the correct food as a source of health and physical exercise as a simple formula to deal with the alarming increase in cases of diabetes in the world.

What is diabetes, symptoms, treatments, research that is carried out, or howfamily.

The jury considers that the report 'My sweet life with diabetes' presents a fresh and simple visual language that helps in the dissemination and understanding of the issue treated, leaving a positive message when fighting or living with diabetes.

The jury of this III edition has been formed by journalists Ana González Jiménez and Esther Pascual Rosel and doctors Fernando Sáez Aldana and Teófilo Lobera Labairu.