The Monte C time hospital hosted a day on the new control methods of this disease.

Those affected by diabetes claim systems in public health centers to monitor glymia.Doctors, patients, family and diabetes specialists in general and in children's diabetes in particular participated in the primera xornadas Medrara with Diabete that were held at the Montecelo de Pontevedra hospital, organized by the Association of Girls, Boys and Young People with Diabetes de Galicia(Anedia).The objective of the day was to analyze the disease control methods.

The event was attended by the Minister of Sanidad, Jesús Vázquez Almuiña, as well as the Galician Federation of Associations of People with Diabetes (Fegadi), in addition to Anedia.These groups claim to the Galician Servizo de Saúde that includes in the Public Health Services portfolio the latest technical advances in the control of this disease.

The groups present that there is currently no continuous measurement system in Galicia that is funded by Sergas, having to assume the patients and their families the cost of having these glucose meters.

Fegadi's objective is that all systems are included in public health and that it is the specialists who determine which is the best sensor for each patient.

Among the speakers were also representatives of the main laboratories that continuous blood glucose meters currently have in the market, new monitoring systems that allow, with a small sensor placed in the body, know the blood sugar levels in real time,warning even on the mobile phone of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.

"They are fundamental advances to improve the quality of life of the sick, especially children and boys with type 1 diabetes. Despite that, there is currently no continuous measurement system that is funded by Sergas, having to assumeThe patients and their families the high economic disbursement of each month to have these glucose meters, "says the affected groups.