In Puerto Rico it is estimated that about 12.5 percent of the population seems like diabetes and more than 2,500 people die annually due to this condition.

The representative of the Uyoán Hernández Alvarado proposed to offer, free of cost, to all students of the public teaching system suffering from diabetes, the pumps of continuous insulin infusion as an alternative to traditional injections.

“It is already customary to see people with diabetes with new insulin bombs instead of daily injections to handle their condition.The bombs offer them greater freedom to eat, sleep and exercise when they want them.For our students with diabetes, bombs will offer them the opportunity to interact with their other classmates in a normal way, ”said Hernández Alvarado, through written statements.

An insulin pump is a small computer that is connected to the body 24 hours a day to administer the insulin dose it needs.This platform replaces traditional insulin injections.Pumps use fast action insulin, which maintains the proper blood sugar level.

According to the proposal of the alternate spokesman of the majority in the Chamber, the State, through the Government Health Plan, would cover the costs associated with providing every student to merit, insulin bombs.

“The vast majority of young people (who are) taking classes in the public education system are members of the Government Health Plan.That is why we ask the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Administration to immediately viable, a plan to grant these bombs to all students who require them.Private insurers will also have the same responsibility.This cannot be an option, it has to be a reality, ”added the representative.

In Puerto Rico it is estimated that about 12.5 percent of the population seems like diabetes and more than 2,500 people die annually due to this condition.

"It is meritorious to benefit our students with this new technology that has been developed to improve the quality of life of patients with diabetes," added the statesman legislator.