Diabetes is a chronic noncommissible disease, which affects a large number of people worldwide, without distinguishing regions or social classes.

There are many concepts about this metabolic disease, many of them totally accurate, but also, there are a lot of myths that circulate around it, which can largely harm those who suffer from it, because these patients should treatYour disease with specific care to avoid complications, both acute and in the long term.

That is why today, how much about 5 very common myths that we usually hear, and we must deny them to know a little more about diabetes and avoid risks in population health:

"The cause of diabetes is to eat a lot of sugar or be overweight":
It is a myth, since diabetes is not the result of eating a lot of sugar or having extra kilos.However, eating more than the body requires and not doing physical activity increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

"Diabetes and obesity are inherited and makes no sense
The reality is that both in type 2 diabetes and in obesity there is a genetic component (for that reason, many families have more than one member with these diseases).However, environmental factors, such as food and exercise, are important in the development of both.Healthy eating and physical exercise can prevent or delay the appearance of type 2 diabetes or obesity.

"Diabetes is contagious"
It is totally wrong.Both type 1 diabetes and type 2 are metabolism diseases and are not contagious.You cannot contract diabetes by contact with other people.

"Type 2 diabetes is less serious than type 1"
It is a myth.Both types of diabetes can cause serious health damage if they are not properly treated.People with any type of diabetes are at risk of damaging their eyes, kidneys and feet as time passes.However, the risk of developing these complications can be highly reduced with good glucose control.

Due to the natural development of the disease, several people with type 2 diabetes may eventually need insulin treatment.If insulin begins in time, several of the serious complications can be avoided.All people with diabetes should be made regular checks to detect problems and treat them.

"All people with diabetes need insulin injections"
If a person will need, or not, insulin injections depends on several factors, including the type of diabetes suffering.All people with type 1 diabetes need if or if insulin injections, and in type 2, they may require it later, after the progress of the disease, or unless the doctor/diabetologist indicates it due to the conditions of the patient andHis status in relation to diabetes.Generally, in the first stage of diabetes 2, they do not usually require insulin, but a control of food, physical activity and other medication, such as oral or hypoglycemic antidiabetics, as medical indications.

I hope I have contributed to demystifying these erroneous concepts that we often hear in society.Recall that whenever there is a disease we must resort to medical and specialized care to treat it, and not seek information on social networks, internet pages, magazines or "recommendations" of others, including those who already suffer from the same pathology, due tothat each person is different and, therefore, their needs and treatment can be different.